OCLC Support

Shared Print Registration service training

OCLC offers shorter videos on the Shared Print Registration service.

Training questions? Please visit OCLC Training FAQ.

Introduction to Shared Print Registration service
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This four-minute video provides an overview of OCLC Shared Print Registration service and explains the process of registering shared print retention commitments in WorldCat.

Create a Shared Print Registration collection profile
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This nine-minute video walks through the steps for creating a collection profile in WorldShare Collection Manager to add library shared print retention commitments to WorldCat.

Prepare and upload data for Shared Print Registration
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This seven-minute video describes the process of preparing your data and uploading files for a submitted shared print registration collection.

Download Shared Print files and reports
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This three-minute video discusses how to retrieve Shared Print registration collection post-processing reports and their content.

Edit or remove Shared Print commitments 

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This seven-minute video demonstrates how to work with local holdings records with the Shared Print commitment in WorldShare Record Manager. You will learn how to search for shared print commitments and edit or remove them.