OCLC Support

About WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway

Find an overview of WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway.

The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway is a Web-based tool that enables organizations to upload the metadata of their unique, open-access digital content to WorldCat. It is compatible with all OAI-compliant repositories, such as CONTENTdm, and is available at no charge.

The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway provides collection managers with a self-service capability to synchronize their metadata with WorldCat to give digital collections increased visibility.

Collection managers use the Gateway to load metadata for their digital content to WorldCat and in doing so create profiles for the metadata to be regularly harvested, uploaded, and converted to WorldCat (MARC) format. Once uploaded, WorldCat assigns and returns an OCLC number, which can be embedded in the metadata to support future synchronizations.

The Digital Collection Gateway can be used with any OAI-compliant repository. Once you have harvested your repository data through the Gateway, end users are able to search WorldCat and its syndicates to discover your unique digital content.