OCLC Support

Downloaded macros not showing

  • I downloaded a macrobook and changes do not show
Applies to
  • Connexion client 2.63

I downloaded the Connexion client OCLC macrobook 2019 or a third-party macrobook and copied it to its default location.  However the macro changes do not show in the client.


In versions prior to Connexion client 3.0, Windows may have stored your macros in a Virtual Store.  The virtual store is something Microsoft created to allow backward compatibility for legacy applications that need to write to the Program Files/Program Files (x86) directory.  With Windows Vista and higher, Microsoft stopped allowing Standard User-level users to write anything under the Program Files area.  When Connexion client tries to write to the \Macros directory, Windows writes the data to the virtual store.


For Connexion client to see your new macrobook, copy it using these instructions:

1. Close the client.

2. Hold down the Windows key and press R; this opens the Windows 10 Run box.

3. Type %LocalAppData% and click OK.

4. Click VirtualStore > Program Files (x86) > OCLC > Connexion > Program > Macros.

5. Paste the new macrobook.

6. Open Connexion client and navigate to Tools > Macros > Manage.  Your macro books should now be listed and available for use in the Macro window.

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