OCLC Support

Toolbar Options

Find out how to access and use the Toolbar tab on the Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Toolbar Options window

  • Determine the size of toolbar buttons on the main client toolbar.

 Note: Toolbar buttons are available for most commands in client menus. You can customize the toolbar by adding or deleting buttons using the Toolbar Editor window (Tools > Toolbar Editor). For more information, see Customize the main client toolbar.

Access the Toolbar Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Toolbar.
  2. Under Button Size, select one of the following buttons:
    • Standard
    • Large
  3. Click OK or Apply.

See more about how to customize the toolbar.

Toolbar Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Toolbar Button Size buttons Select one of the following buttons to select the size of toolbar buttons:
  • Standard (19x17 pixels) (default)
  • Large (38x34 pixels)

 Note: Changing this setting takes effect only after you close and reopen the client.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Apply the settings you entered and close the Options window (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel any changes you made since the last time you saved changes to options. The Options window closes.
Apply Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other options.