OCLC Support


Find out how to access and use the Macro window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Macro window

  • Create a new macro book.
  • Create or edit a macro.
  • Delete a macro.
  • Run or record a macro.
  • Open a macro organizer to work with macros and macro books.

 Caution: You can use the macro organizer for duplicating and moving shorter macros to prevent the loss of data. However, if you want to duplicate or move lengthy macros, a safer technique is to copy and paste directly from one macro to another using the macro editor.

Access the Macro window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Macros > Manage or press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><G>.
  2. Use the features of this window, as described in the table below to do the tasks listed above.
  3. When finished, click OK.

See more about how to use Connexion client macros.

Macro window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Macros list
  • View all macro books available in the client.
  • Click a plus (+) sign next to a macro book name to expand a list of macros in the book.
Description display For a selected macro, displays the description you assigned when you created it.


Button name Click the button to...
New Book Create a new macro book.
New Macro Create a new macro in the selected macro book.
Edit Open the OCLC Connexion Macro Editor and Debugger window to edit the selected macro. You can edit an existing macro or create a new macro.
Delete Delete the selected macro.
Organizer Open the Macro Organizer window to work with macros and macro books.
Run Run the selected macro.
Record Record a macro. Opens the Record a New Macro window.
  1. Enter a name and description for the new macro.
  2. Click OK to start recording or Cancel.
    • Once the window closes, your actions in the client are recorded and automatically written as a macro.
    • A macro recorder toolbar opens:
      Macro Recording toolbar
      • The toolbar allows you to pause recording, restart recording, and stop recording, respectively. 
OK Click to close the window.
Cancel Click to close the window without saving any changes.

 Note: Keystroke shortcut <F1>, normally an alternative to the Help button to open a window-specific Help topic, is inoperable for the client macro windows.