OCLC Support

Keymap Organizer

Find out how to access and use the Keymap Organizer window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Keymap Organizer window

  • Create, rename, or delete keymap files. A keymap is a file of keystroke shortcut assignments for issuing commands, running macros, inserting characters and diacritics, or inserting text strings you create for often used data.
  • Move or copy key assignments between keymap files.

Access the Keymap Organizer window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Keymaps or press <Alt><T><K>.
  2. Click Organizer.
  3. See details below for using the features of the window to create, rename, delete, move, or copy a keymap file.

See more about how to manage keymap files.

Keymap Organizer window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Keymap 1 area
Current display (location of current files) View the location of the current keymap files, or select a different location using Browse.

Default location: X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Profiles\SystemDefault\, where X is the letter of your hard drive
List of keymap files To view key assignments in a keymap file, click the plus sign (+) next to the file name.

The keymap expands a list of key assignments. The plus sign changes to a minus sign (-).

Click the minus sign to hide the list.
Keymap 2 area
Same features as in the Keymap 1 area. Allows you to select and view key assignments in a second keymap file.
Description area
View the assignment of any shortcut key you select in a keymap file.

Click the plus sign to expand a keymap file, and then click a key combination in the list. The description appears in the Description area. 


Button name Click the button to...
Browse Locate the keymap file(s) you want to work with:
  1. Click anywhere in the Keymap 1 or Keymap 2 area to set the focus (indicated by the direction of the angle brackets on buttons).
  2. Click Browse to navigate to the keymap file you want to view. Double-click the file or click Open

The path and file name of the file you selected displays under Current in the appropriate Keymap area.

New Create a new keymap file:
  1. Click to set the focus in the Keymap 1 or Keymap 2 area.
  2. Click New to create a new file.
  3. In the New Keymap field, enter a file name over the highlighted text. 
Rename Rename a keymap file:
  1. Select a keymap file in a list and click Rename.
  2. Enter a new name over the highlighted name.
Delete Delete a keymap file:
  1. Select a keymap file in a list and click Delete.
  2. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
Move Remove a key assignment from one file and put it in another file:
  1. Under Keymap 1 or Keymap 2, click to highlight the name of a file to which you want to move a key assignment.
  2. In the other Keymap area, click the plus sign to expand a list of key assignments in a keymap file. select the key assignment you want to move.
  3. Click Move.
Copy Copy a key assignment into another keymap file without removing it from its original keymap file:
  1. Under Keymap 1 or Keymap 2, click to highlight the name of a file to which you want to copy a key assignment.
  2. In the other Keymap area, click a plus sign to expand a list of key assignments in a keymap file. select the key assignment you want to copy.
  3. Click Copy.
Close Close the window.