OCLC Support

Control Headings

Find out how to access and use the Control Headings window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Control Headings window

This window opens when you use Edit > Control Headings > Single to control a heading in a bibliographic record, and the system cannot automatically control and insert it. Use the window to control a heading manually. You can:

  • View a list of matches or close matches to the heading you are trying to control.
  • Insert a proposed fully controlled heading from the list into the bibliographic record if appropriate.
    Modify the heading using the features of this window to build and insert an appropriate heading.

Access the Control Headings window

  1. With the cursor located in a controllable field of a displayed bibliographic record, click Edit > Control Headings > Single, or click Control Single Heading button, or press <F11>.
    • When a heading matches exactly and can be inserted, the client controls the heading automatically (it appears as a link), and you are finished. However, under some circumstances, the system cannot control a heading and the Control Headings window opens. For example, the window opens when:
      • An unqualified personal name heading matches (has only a subfield a).
      • No matching records are found.
      • No single authority record matches exactly, but one or more records are found that match some but not all elements of the heading.
      • Matching authority records were found for all elements of the heading, but a geographic subdivision is out of place.
  2. Click Insert Heading if the window presents an appropriate heading. The Control Headings window closes, and you are finished.
    Click Modify Heading next to a heading retrieved from the authority file to move it into the Modified Heading workspace.
    Edit the heading in the New Query box and click Match Best to do a different search for headings.

     Note: You can click a heading (link) in the list to display the authority record.

  3. (Optional) Click Append to Heading to add a subfield.
  4. Click Insert Heading after you have built an appropriate heading.

See more details about how to control headings that the system does not control automatically.

Control Headings window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Heading display area (top of window)
Legend Shows what the highlighting in the list of headings means.
Legend example
Original Heading Retains the complete text of the existing heading that you started with in the bibliographic record.
Modified Heading Includes directions when first displayed. Used as a workspace to build a revised heading when you click Modify Heading to add a main entry and/or subfields from the list of matching headings.
List of matching headings retrieved
Main entries
  • View a list of retrieved controlled headings.
  • Headings listed first represent the fullest form of the heading.

To insert a listed heading in the bibliographic records without revision, click Insert Heading

To build a new heading, click Modify Heading next to a listed heading to move it to the Modified Heading workspace. 

  • Headings listed below main entries represent subfields other than $a of the original heading. 
  • The Append to Heading buttons are grayed out (inactive) until you move a main entry to the Modified Heading workspace.
    • After you move a main entry to the Modified Heading workspace, click Append to Heading next to a subfield to add it to the heading you are building.
Hyperlinks to authority records Controlled headings in the list are hyperlinked to the "controlling" authority record.

To open the authority record in a separate window, click a heading link.

To view the LCCN for the authority record, hover the mouse over the heading.
Thesaurus labels The Library of Congress thesaurus of origin for each heading in the list displays to the right.

  • LC Name
  • LC Subject
  • LC Name/Subject - This label means that the heading contains at least one element from the LC Name thesaurus and at least one from the LC Subject thesaurus.
  • LC Genre
Retry search for matching headings (bottom of window)
New Query field
  • Check the text in the New Query box for misspellings, omissions, or other errors for corrections or revisions.
  • Enter a different heading or different elements in the heading. Click Match Best to view matched heading results.


Button name Click the button to...
Undo Reverse the last action you took in the window.
Insert Heading
  • In the Heading display area, insert the Modified Heading into the bibliographic record.
  • In the list of matching headings, insert the adjacent controlled heading in the bibliographic record. 
Modify Heading Move the adjacent controlled heading to the Modified Heading workspace.
Append to Heading Add a subfield in the list to a heading.

This button becomes available when you move a main entry heading to the Modified Heading workspace.
Match Best Search for headings that match the heading in the New Query box that you revised. Replaces the list of matching headings with new results.
Cancel Cancel controlling the heading and close the window.