OCLC Support

Batch Options

Find out how to access and use the Batch tab on the Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Batch Options window

  • Set options for batch processing searches and record actions.

Batch processing allows you to enter search keys (saved in default local file) and/or mark records with actions (saved in a local file), and when you are ready, batch process the searches and record actions all at once using Batch > Process Batch. The client automatically logs on and processes searches and actions in all local file(s) you specify

Access the Batch Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Batch.
  2. Select check boxes to select or deselect options for batch as described in the table below.
  3. Click OK or Apply.

See more about how to set options for batch processing.

Batch Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Searching area
Maximum Number of Matches to Download list Select or enter the maximum number of matched records you want the client to retrieve from a batch search.

Default: 1

Maximum you can select: 150
Batch Search Keys to Retain check boxes Select one or more of the following types of batch search keys you want the client to retain after the batch runs:
  • Error/Not Found - Retains search keys that retrieved no records or search keys entered incorrectly)
  • Too Many Matches - Retains search keys that retrieved no records because too many records matched; WorldCat search results are limited to 1500 records)
Record Actions area
Delete attached LHRs when Deleting Holdings check box Select to delete attached local holdings records (LHRs) from bibliographic records when you take the Delete Holdings action.

Default: Check box is deselected.

Required: If this option remains deselected, batch Delete Holdings actions fail. You must select this option to be able to batch delete holdings.

 Note: This setting does not apply when you delete holdings interactively (logged on). In that case, the system always prompts you to confirm deleting both your OCLC symbol and attached local holdings records.

Perform local actions in batch check boxes Select one or more check boxes to mark records in the local file for batch processing, instead of processing immediately, when you do one of these actions:
  • Bibliographic Record Export
  • Label Printing
  • Authority Record Export

Default: Check boxes are deselected. Actions are performed immediately.

If this option remains deselected, the export or label printing occurs immediately, whether you are logged on or offline.

Warning/Report options
Display batch reports automatically and Print batch reports automatically check boxes Select a check box if you want batch reports to display or print automatically as soon as the batch is completed.

  • Display batch reports automatically is selected
  • Print batch reports automatically is deselected.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Apply the settings you entered and close the window.
Cancel Cancel any changes you made and close the window.
Apply Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other options settings.