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Modify reports

Learn how to add and remove report objects from an existing report.

You can modify existing standard reports and reports you have created in Report Designer. Modifications include, but are not limited to, adding and removing report objects, sorting reports, and formatting reports.

To modify reports, you must:

Modify report objects

Add a report object to an existing report

  1. Click Reading (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Reading button) in the upper-right corner of the open report to switch the report display to Design mode.
  2. Click the Edit button (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Query edit button) in the Query tab to open the Query Panel dialog.
  3. Double-click the report object you want to add to the report to add it to the Result Objects panel.
  4. Click Apply and Close to close the Query Panel.
  5. Add the newly added report object to the report using one of the following methods.
    • Locate the newly added report object in the Document dictionary pane of the Main panel and drag it to the position you want to place it in the report.
    • Right-click an existing column in the report, click Insert > Columns on Left or Column on Right, and then drag the report object to the newly created column.
  6. Click the Refresh all refreshable data providers button (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Refresh all refreshable data providers button) in the Query table to populate the newly added column.
  7. Click Save to save the updated report format.

Remove a report object from an existing report

  1. Click Reading (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Reading button) in the upper-right corner of the open report to switch the report display to Design mode.
  2. (Optional) Click Continue in the Select Report Scope window.
  3. Right-click a row in the column containing the report object you want to remove and select Delete. The column is removed from the report.
  4. Right-click and then click Delete. The column no longer appears in the report.
     Note: If the report you modify contains any Totals, verify that the report object you removed is not included. To verify:
    1. Click in a Total data cell.
    2. Click the Formula bar button (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Formula bar button) in the Analyze tab to show the formula bar.
    3. If the formula contains the deleted report object, remove the report object from the formula and click OK.
    4. Right-click in a Total/Totals data cell and click Content > Edit Content to view the formula.
      • If the formula contains the deleted report object: Remove the report object from the formula in the Edit Formula screen and click OK
    5. Repeat step 4 for the remaining Total data cells.
  5. Click Save to save the updated report format.

Sort the data in a report

You can sort the data in the report using the Data tab button in the Build side panel. By default, report columns are sorted in ascending order.

Select a different sort order

  1. From the open report, select the column to which you want to apply a sort order.
  2. Click the Build side panel button (Screenshot of the Build side panel button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) and then the Data tab button (Screenshot of the Data tab button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) to open the Data tab. The Data tab opens with the Sort panel displayed by default.
  3. From report object button in the Sort panel:
    • Click the Sort button (Screenshot of the Sort button in WorldShare Reports) to switch the sort to descending order.
    • Click the Sort button again to switch the sort back to ascending order.

Work with sort options

Add a new sort option

  1. From the open report, select the column to which you want to apply a sort order.
  2. Click the Build side panel button (Screenshot of the Build side panel button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) and then the Data tab button (Screenshot of the Data tab button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) to open the Data tab. The Data tab opens with the Sort panel displayed by default.
  3. Select a report object from the Add a sort drop-down list.
  4. From report object button in the Sort panel:
    • Click the Sort button (Screenshot of the Sort button in WorldShare Reports) to switch the sort to descending order.
    • Click the Sort button again to switch the sort back to ascending order.

Create a custom sort order for a sort option

Custom sort options allow you to define your sort order.

  1. From the open report, select the column to which you want to apply a sort order.
  2. Click the Build side panel button (Screenshot of the Build side panel button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) and then the Data tab button (Screenshot of the Data tab button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) to open the Data tab. The Data tab opens with the Sort panel displayed by default.
  3. Click the More options button (Screenshot of the More options button on a report object in the Sort panel in WorldShare Reports) on a report object button.
  4. Select Create Custom Order from the More options pop-up menu. The Custom Order dialog opens.
  5. From the Custom Order dialog:
    1. Drag and drop available sort values to reorder the list
      Select a value and then click the up or down arrow to reorder the list.
    2. (Optional) Enter a value in the Value to add in list text field and then click the + Add Value button to add the value to the list.
    3. Click OK to apply your custom order. All tables in the report that use the report object inherit your custom order.

Remove a custom sort order

  1. From the open report, select the column to which you applied a custom sort order.
  2. Click the Build side panel button (Screenshot of the Build side panel button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) and then the Data tab button (Screenshot of the Data tab button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) to open the Data tab. The Data tab opens with the Sort panel displayed by default.
  3. Click the More options button (Screenshot of the More options button on a report object in the Sort panel in WorldShare Reports) on a report object button.
  4. Select Create Custom Order from the More options pop-up menu. The Custom Order dialog opens.
  5. Click Reset in the Custom Order dialog. Your custom sort order is removed automatically.

Remove a sort

Remove a sort option

  1. From the Sort panel, click the report object you want to remove as a sort option.
  2. Click the Remove sort button (Screenshot of the Remove sort button in WorldShare Reports). The sort option is removed immediately.

Clear all sorts

To remove all sorts from the report:

  1. From the Sort panel, click the More options button (Screenshot of the More options button in the Sort panel of WorldShare Reports).
  2. Select Clear All Sorts from the More options pop-up menu. All sorts are removed from the report immediately.