OCLC Support

View a standard report

The standard report viewer in WorldShare Reports consists of four areas: Main toolbar, Report panel, Side panel, and Status bar.

When you open a standard report, the report appears in a report viewer. The report viewer consists of five areas:

  1. Main toolbar - Allows you to perform actions such as opening, saving, and exporting documents, tracking data changes, and displaying the report outline
  2. Filter bar - Input controls for the report are displayed in the Filter bar.
  3. Report panel - Displays the reports in a document
  4. Status bar - Allows you to perform actions such as activating data tracking or moving through pages of a multi-page report
  5. Side panel -  Contains two side panels (Main and Build) that provide a way to quickly add or remove certain criteria from a report, change output, and pull different data into a report
Standard reports: Report viewer - Example
Standard report interface
  • Main toolbar
    The main toolbar allows you to perform actions such as opening, saving, and exporting documents, tracking data changes, and displaying the standard report outline in WorldShare Reports.
  • Side panel
    The side panel provides a way to quickly add or remove certain criteria from a report, change output, and pull different data into a standard report in WorldShare Reports.
  • Status bar
    The status bar allows you to perform actions such as activating data tracking or moving through pages of a multi-page standard report in WorldShare Reports.