Known issues
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Issue Fix date Circulation Fiscal Transactions universe has daily data refresh latency
Affects: United States data centerThe Circulation Fiscal Transactions universe in the U.S. data center is experiencing lengthy data refresh process times, resulting in the daily data refreshes to not complete until ~1pm EST. This data latency impacts reports such as Outstanding Fees and Bills, and the Fiscal Summary and Fiscal Detail reports.
23 January 2025 Searching for report templates returns unexpected results
When utilizing the report template searching feature in WorldShare Report Designer, library staff may receive unexpected or missing results based on their search criteria.20 November 2024 Some records in the SFTP Item Inventories file and Circulation Item Status universe are reflecting incorrect data for Item Last Inventoried Date and other fields
The SFTP Item Inventories file dated ~03 March 2024 and the Circulation Item Status universe have some item records that contain missing/incorrect data for Item Last Inventoried Date and other fields, such as Item Issued Count.15 March 2024 Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Date and Order Item Expected Fulfillment Date may be off by one day
The Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Date (and its variants) and the Order Item Expected Fulfillment Date (and its variants) may display a date that does not match the date shown in the order screens of the Acquisitions module. They may be off by one day (+1), depending on your time zone relative to UTC. This will be fixed in a near term release.
12 February 2024 Title name changes for circulation temporary items not updating
If library staff change the title name of a circulation managed item (i.e., a non-bibliographic item) in the Circulation module, these changes are not being updated in the following nightly data refresh of the Circulation Item Status universe.08 February 2024 Record Manager statistics not refreshing
Impacts: Institutions based in the United States data center or Australia data center
Record Manager activity statistics (located in reports under Analytics -> Reports -> Metadata) have not been refreshed in these regions since 10 January 2024. A near-term fix is expected as soon as possible.
06 February 2024 Patron Pickup Location not populating in Interlibrary Loan universe
The Request Patron Pickup Location field in the Interlibrary Loan universe is returning 'N/A' for all ILL requests created after January 31, 2019.13 April 2023 COUNTER 5 IR_A1 journal article data not displaying in reports and universe
Following the product release on 29 September 2022, institutions in the U.S. data center will find their COUNTER 5 IR_A1 data is not yet loaded in the E-Resources COUNTER 5 universe for use in standard and custom reporting. This issue will be addressed as quickly as possible.
04 October 2022 Some COUNTER 5 TR_B1 metrics in reports may be less than actuals
COUNTER 5 TR_B1 title data from vendors that don’t contain any ISBN, Proprietary ID, DOI, Print ISSN, Online ISSN or URI are not currently being loaded and therefore may impact associated reporting on this usage type. I.e., the counts associated with TR_B1 may be lower than actuals. Note that most records from vendors contain at least one of these values and those records are not impacted.18 November 2021 Some encumbered and expended amounts in Acquisitions are off by .01 Acquisitions reports that include Encumbered Amount or Expended Amount may see some line items off by .01 in their unit of currency (e.g., off by a penny in USD).
2 September 2021 Bibliographic data for Series Statement and Uniform Title Added Entry may be inconsistent
For users with Report Designer, the bibliographic data for Series Statement and Uniform Title Added Entry may be inconsistent in the following universes: Cataloging, LHR Item Detail, Institution Title Holdings, Group Titles, Group Activity. This issue impacts titles added or updated in WorldCat after June 2020.27 May 2021 Material subformat showing N/A for Manuscript
The new Manuscript material subformats introduced in WorldShare Discovery in December 2019 are displaying as N/A in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer. The Cataloging/Collection reports are impacted, as well as the following universes: Cataloging, LHR Item Detail, Institution Title Holdings, Group Titles, Group Activity.27 May 2021 The LHR Item Barcode field in the LHR Item Detail universe is displaying "null" instead of "N/A" in the some cases where item barcode is missing
In some cases where LHR 876-878 $p or 852 $p is not populated, users may see "null" in the LHR Item Barcode field in the LHR Item Detail universe. These records should instead be displaying item barcode as "N/A". Users executing the LHR Duplicate Barcodes report may notice large numbers of duplicate barcodes for "null", as that value is not excluded from the query (but "N/A" is excluded).
10 July 2020
Copy Received Date is not being set for monographic series
The Copy Received Date is not being set in Acquisitions for the monographic series. All order items with processing type MONOGRAPHIC_SERIES currently have their received date set to 0001-01-01. In order to see MONOGRAPHIC_SERIES records in the Receiving Activity by Location report you will need to set the From Received Date prompt to 0001-01-01. However, please note the volumes under the monographic series will have the correct Copy Received Date populated with the date the volumes were marked as received.
29 April 2020
Removed Titles List includes extraneous entries
The Removed Titles List may include entries for titles that your library removed from your holdings in a previous period. If your library removed a holding on a WorldCat record that was subsequently merged/de-duplicated, you may see an entry in the Removed Titles List for the date when the records were merged.
22 January 2020
Patron Last Modified Date and Patron Last Modified User fields incorrect
After the product release on 15 November 2019, the Patron Last Modified Date field incorrectly contains no data and the Patron Last Modified User field incorrectly contains a date value. This issue impacts the Patron Information Detail Report and the weekly SFTP Patron files, as well as these fields in the Circulation universes.
23 November 2019
Monthly Circulation Statistics Report is not displaying all counts for renewals
The Monthly Circulation Statistics Report has a filter to exclude data where branch names = N/A. Starting in February 2019, Circulation no longer associates a branch with automatic renewals, and therefore the Monthly Circulation Statistics Report began misreporting (understating) this renewal type, since it isn't including counts for unassigned branches (where branch names = N/A).
13 September 2019
Item Days in Transit and Item Days overdue measures are calculated incorrectly
Following the 28 June 2019 Install, the Item Days in Transit and Item Days Overdue measures in the Circulation Item Status universe are not being calculated correctly. This affects the Items in Transit and Overdue Items Aging Reports, as well as any custom reports created in Report Designer that utilize these measures.
28 August 2019 Circulation statistics may be incorrect for some items
Some circulation statistics, such as last inventoried date and issued count, may be incorrect for some items. This affects the Circulation Item Status universe and the Circulation Item Inventories FTP file.
26 July 2019 Place of Publication is sourced from incorrect field
The place of publication is currently being pulled from the 257 $a field, although it should come from either the 260 or 264 $a fields as the field definition indicates. This affects the following universes: Group Activity, Group Titles, Institution Title holdings, and LHR Item Detail. This also affects the Titles Held by a Single Institution standard report.
28 June 2019 The Average Days to Fulfillment column in the Vendor Performance report is calculating incorrectly
The Average Days to Fulfillment column (and the underlying Time to Fulfillment field) in the Vendor Performance report in Acquisitions is not calculating correctly. In many cases, this field displays 0 days when it shouldn’t be.
As a workaround, Report Designer users may be able to create a separate report at the detail level, and create a variable to get the difference in days between the Order Date and the Received Date for a given order item copy.28 June 2019 Using the newest version of Google Chrome causes unusual behavior in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer
Users using the newest version of the Google Chrome browser may experience odd behavior in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer. This affects users using version 75 of Chrome. This is due to a third-party software dependency, and we’re working with the vendor towards resolution.
14 June 2019 The Outstanding Fees and Bills report is currently unavailable
OCLC is working to restore access as quickly as possible. If a library has this report scheduled, the execution and delivery of the report will be impacted until access is restored.
25 February 2019
Event Date/Time does not display time of the event
The Event Date/Time column in Circulation reports and the Event Date/Time object in the Circulation Events Detail Universe does not display the time of the event. All times are reflected as 0:00. This specifically impacts the Circulation Events Detail Report and the Daily Payments Report.
17 November 2018
New Titles List report is missing data for Local Item Call Number and Local Item Permanent Shelving Location
The New Titles List report is missing Local Item Call Number and Local Item Permanent Shelving Location information if the title was added after 10 August 2018. This information may also be missing from the Removed Titles List report.
29 October 2018
WorldShare Document Delivery Reports are underreporting data
The WorldShare Document Delivery Reports for Tipasa are inaccurate from May 2018-present. Some statistics may be underreported.
27 September 2018 Patron status field contains erroneous blank entries
The Patron Status field has erroneous blank entries in the Borrower Resource Sharing Stats Report accessed from OCLC Usage Statistics.
25 September 2018 ILL Reasons for No Reports in OCLC Usage Statistics have a large number of 'Unspecified' entries
OCLC Reasons for No reports for both Borrowing and Lending are currently reporting an unusually large count for 'Unspecified' in OCLC Usage Statistics ( We are continuing our investigation as to the cause. This issue has been cross-posed in the Resource Sharing known issues.
8 August 2018 Interlibrary Loan Statistics are inaccurate for the month of May
Interlibrary loan data in the OCLC Usage Statistics portal ( and WorldShare Tipasa Reports is currently inaccurate for the month of May. Reports in OCLC Usage Statistics portal have been reverted to April 2018 data until the issue is resolved. WorldShare Tipasa Reports are inaccurate and should not be utilized until the issue is resolved.
29 June 2018
Open Holds Report Missing Some Hold Requests
The Open Holds report displays hold requests that have an associated item barcode. If a hold request does not have an associated barcode, it will be excluded from the report. This means most Title-level hold requests may not appear in the report.
25 April 2018 Acquisitions Open Encumbrances Report may display encumbered amounts for paid order items
For Acquisitions order items that consist of multiple copies, the Open Encumbrances Report may display an encumbrance for the order item even after all copies have been invoiced and paid. If you need an accurate total for encumbrance by fund, the Fund Balance Report still calculates and displays the correct Amount Encumbered value.
6 April 2018 Holds List Report running long or timing out
Libraries may experience performance issues when executing the Holds List Report. The report may run for a long period of time or simply time out.
6 April 2018 LHR Item Textual Holdings display as N/A
LHR Item Textual Holdings are displayed as N/A in the LHR Item Detail universe when valid 866-868 $a data is available. Specifically, if the 866-868 field is linked to an 876-878 field that includes a $p (LHR Item Barcode).
6 April 2018 Circulation Dashboard may return partial results
The Circulation Dashboard may return partial results for institutions with large collections, resulting in a report that contains inaccurate data. Partial results are indicated by a small yellow triangle in the bottom right of the window after the report is run.
29 November 2017 LHR Index Enumeration and Chronology is no longer blank
The LHR Index Enumeration and Chronology field was blank/empty in the LHR Item Detail universe in the U.S. Data Center. After this release, LHR Index Enumeration and Chronology field will be populated with the correct value, or “N/A” if there is no value present.
29 November 2017 Title ISBN sometimes missing/incomplete
The Title ISBN value is incorrectly set to N/A or is incomplete for some WorldCat titles. This issue impacts Report Designer customers who have created reports with the Title ISBN object in the following universes:
- Cataloging (Volatility Information folder)
- LHR Item Details
- Overlap
29 November 2017 New Titles List and Removed Titles List Reports missing records
Reports run for start year month, end year month to include dates 23 September 2017 – 26 September 2017 may be missing records.
Additionally, queries generated with data from the Cataloging Universe>Title Volatility Information folder may be missing records for date ranges 23 September 2017 – 26 September 2017.27 September 2017 Base Collection ID prompt in WorldCat knowledge base - My Collection Overlap Summary Report
The prompt options for Base Collection ID are not limited to the collections that the institution has selected in the KB.
30 June 2017 Institution shared folder does not display in the Report Launch Pad
After opening at least one report from the Analytics tab, a user who subsequently opens the Report Launch Pad will not see their institution folder.
30 June 2017 Monthly Circulation Statistics Report allows multiple Begin Date and End Date values
The Begin Date and End Date prompts for the Monthly Circulation Statistics Report allow the user to select multiple values, e.g., the default End Date prompt of 'Month' and a specific YYYY-MM. The report will not run if multiple values are selected in the prompt.30 June 2017 Scheduling destination cannot be edited
The 'Destinations' option in the scheduling menu is not visible for reports saved in the institution shared folder or in My Favorites. Note that the scheduling options for the WorldShare Reports in the other Public Folders are working as expected.30 June 2017 Title Holdings Quantity for December 2016 is lower than expected
For non-U.S. customers, the Title Holdings Quantity for December 2016 is lower than expected. Please disregard this month's data in the Title Holdings by Material Format report, Title Holdings by Material Format and Publish Date, and reports created from the Title Holdings folder in the Cataloging universe.15 June 2017 WorldCat knowledge base overlap data not updated at the end of March 2017
Data in the WorldCat knowledge base Collection Overlap reports and the Overlap universe was not updated at the end of March 2017. The data is accurate as of the end of February 2017.1 May 2017 New Titles List and Removed Titles List display incorrect bibliographic details
Title details in the New Titles List, Removed Titles List, and reports created from the Volatility Information folder in the Cataloging universe may be incorrect in reports that were run on 31 March 2017 through 27 April 2017.28 April 2017 Cataloging and LHR Item Detail in the U.S. data center are refreshed later than expected
As of the March 2017 release, there is a daily refresh rate for the New Titles List, Removed Titles List, Title Volatility data in the Cataloging universe, and the LHR Item Detail universe. For U.S. data center customers, this daily refresh may not be complete until ~10:00 am Eastern Daylight Time.28 April 2017 Display of Metadata reports
The Record Manager usage reports display with odd formatting, including the display of report data above the main WorldShare menu.6 April 2017 Reports not reflecting data for part of 2017-03-20
All universes with a daily refresh rate were not updated in the Sydney data center for activity from approximately 1:00 pm until midnight AEDT on 20 March 2017. WorldShare and custom reports run for this time frame may display incomplete data.21 March 2017 Reports not reflecting data for 2017-03-19
All universes with a daily refresh rate were not updated in the European, Canadian, and U.S. data centers for activity on 2017-03-19, local data center time. WorldShare and custom reports do not have data for this time frame.20 March 2017 Circulation and Acquisitions not reflecting data for 4 October 2016
Circulation and Acquisitions universes were not updated with data for 4 October 2016.5 October 2016 Circulation Events, Fiscal Transactions, and Hold Requests may include inaccurate patron details
Circulation event staff name or patron data (e.g., name, barcode, category, etc.) may display incorrectly in reports built from the Circulation Events, Circulation Fiscal Transactions, and Circulation Hold Requests universes.1 October 2016 Circulation Events and Circulation Fiscal Transactions not reflecting data for 8-9 September 2016
The Circulation Events and Circulation Fiscal Transactions universes were not updated in the Sydney data center for activity between approximately 2:00 am AEST on 8 September until 4:00 pm AEST on 9 September. WorldShare and custom circulation reports for this timeframe may display incomplete data.13 September 2016 Circulation Events and Circulation Fiscal Transactions not reflecting data for 24 August 2016
The Circulation Events and Circulation Fiscal Transactions universes were not updated with data for 24 August.26 August 2016