OCLC Support

Unique/Shared titles

Unique/shared title lists are used for weeding and retention activities. When you create a unique/shared title list, you are creating filters that refine the results of your comparison. The unique/shared title list can reflect the titles that are unique to your collection, only titles that are shared with the comparison group, or both.

Unique/shared title lists are used for weeding and retention activities. When you create a unique/shared title list, you are creating filters that refine the results of your comparison. The unique/shared title list can reflect the titles that are unique to your collection, only titles that are shared with the comparison group, or both. You can create a unique/shared title list for all comparisons. After you create the unique/shared title list, you can export the unique/shared title list that shows the comparison with the filters applied to it. After you have exported the list, you can download it and do further analysis of shared or unique titles.

You must be an administrator to create a unique/shared title list.