OCLC Support

Deleted Items

Use this screen to set a retention period for deleted items in WorldShare Circulation.

Use this screen to set a retention period for deleted items.

 Note: The maximum retention period for deleted items is 12,000 months (1,000 years).

  • Items deleted from WMS will not display to the public, but will be saved by the system.
  • Until the item is purged from the system, staff will be able to retrieve the item by barcode in WMS.
  • The system-wide job to purge deleted items runs every Sunday. Deleted items will be retained until the job runs.
  • The system retains old barcodes until the deleted items are purged.
  • A deleted item's status is Withdrawn.
  • A deleted barcode may not be able to be reused until the item has been purged.


  • A withdrawn, barcoded item will only be deleted by WorldShare Circulation if the item’s previous status was Available, Unavailable, or Missing. If an item is in any other status, you must check it in at its holding location to release the item.
  • The system will not delete a withdrawn item in a container if the container still exists. Remove the item from its container before withdrawing it from the collection.
  • You may need to check in items in a Claimed or Lost status to clear the patron’s claim count before withdrawing the item from the collection. A claim cannot be removed from the patron’s account after the item record is deleted.

Deleted Items fields:​​​​​​

  • Retain Deleted items for: The length of time deleted items will be retained. It is recommended to retain deleted items for a minimum of two weeks. Enter 0 to purge deleted items the next time the system-wide job runs.