OCLC Support

Add a serial issue

Discover how to create a local holdings record (LHR) for a serial in WorldShare Acquisitions.


Once you've found the serial (via Discover Items), then:

  • Use the Issues screen to manage and receive issues from current subscriptions.
  • Use the Copies screen for a comprehensive view of your serial holdings and the ability to edit them.
  • Use the Holds view to see item-level holdings (items are the parts that make up the subscription). Each item has a barcode.

When creating or editing issues, make sure the issue metadata (captions, chronology type, etc.) is based on the data from the issue itself. If you want to change the issue metadata to anything other than what appears on the issue itself, make these changes in your library’s WorldCat holdings. 


Data On issue Desired outcome Comments
Captions v.1 i.3 v.1 n.3 Adjust issue within WorldCat Holdings
Chronology Type

Year, Month - e.g.

v.1 i.1 2014 Jan.

Year Only - e.g.

v.1 i.1 2014

Adjust issue within WorldCat Holdings

 Note: Serials data migrated from an ILS into WMS does not show up on the Issues screen, so all current subscriptions must be manually added via Manage Issues.

Add a copy

 Note: A subscription is considered a copy.

  1. Search for the serial in Discover Items in the left navigation.
  2. From the search results, click the serial's title.
  3. Click Copies in the upper right.
  4. On the Copies screen, in the upper right corner, click Add Copy.
  5. On the Add New Copy screen, fill in the fields. Some fields require explanation:
    欄位 定義
    Audience level The WorldCat holdings audience level assigned to the item. This option is only available for WMS libraries. See WorldCat holdings audience levels for more information.
    複本號 由圖書館指派的編號,用於將一個題名副本與另一個相同的副本區分開來。
    Holding Location 擁有項目記錄描述的項目的圖書館分館。


    ( 可選) 若要讓註解在歸還或借出時顯示,請輸入感嘆號作為其第一個字元 (!)。

    登收狀態 是否正在接收多部分或期刊項目的新出版部分。

    Location of the item within the holding location.

    To remove a shelving location, click the X next to the down arrow (if available), or click the shelving location in the list to uncheck it.

  6. Click Add Copy.


當位置館藏記錄中的上架位置值 (852 •c) 不符合在OCLC服務配置 中的館藏代碼翻譯表中輸入的值時,就會發生此錯誤。「館藏代碼翻譯表」是「分館代碼」並顯示名稱、「上架方式」和「架子位置」的來源。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱館藏代碼翻譯表