Discover how to print labels for items in WorldShare Acquisitions or My Labels.
Print labels using My Labels in Acquisitions
You can create spine labels from information in a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record or a local holdings record. Your list of labels is only viewable by you and not by other users in your institution. For a full guide to spine labels in Acquisitions, see My Labels.
Add a record to a label print list while receiving
- From the left navigation, click Receive and Invoice.
- Select Monograph from the Processing type drop-down list.
- Select Receive from the Action drop-down list.
- Click View Items.
- Click the Search Text form field and then press <Enter>.
- Find the items you want to receive and invoice.
- Search by barcode, ISBN, ISSN, OCLC number, or title, using the search box. Search results appear automatically when you stop typing.
- To return to the list of outstanding items, delete all text from the search box.
- Barcode searches are possible only after importing shelf ready data. See Import invoice and shelf-ready data.
- Enter the full Order Number (PO number), including "PO" and dashes (-), in the Search box. Search results appear automatically when you stop typing.
- To return to the list of outstanding items, delete all text from the search box.
- You may also narrow your search by one of the filters below.
- Search filters - Table
To search by |
Use retrieval method |
Search |
Select an index with which to limit your search from the list:
- 關鍵字
- Title (default)
- 複本號
- 條碼
- Invoice Number
- Order Item Number
- Order Number
Content Type |
Select the content type of the item from the list.
- To return to the list of all items, select the blank space in the list.
分館 |
Select the branch the item is to be delivered to from the list.
- The branch is in the Location column on the order.
- To return to the list of outstanding items, select the blank space in the list.
Order Status (not available for editing when action is set to Receive) |
Select the degree to which the order has been placed:
- Ordered
- Cancellation requested
- Not cancelled
- Cancelled
登收狀態 |
Select the degree to which the order has been completed. Options differ by processing type. |
Purchase Status |
Select the degree to which invoicing has been completed:
- Not invoiced
- Partially invoiced
- Invoiced
- Partially paid
- Paid
- Fill in call number fields. Follow local practice.
- Fill in the barcode field (use a scanner or type barcode). If you type in the barcode, press <Enter> to receive and invoice the item (the cursor must be in the barcode field when you press <Enter>):
- Result
- The item moves to the Items processed in this session area at the bottom of the screen.
- The barcode links to the item record.
- The item is now available in WMS Circulation and WorldCat Local/Discovery.
- If the item has a hold or a Requestor, the system displays an alert at the top of the screen by default. Contact OCLC Support or your Implementation Manager to turn off this feature.
- To set cost of item
The cost field (876 $c of the LHR) is filled in automatically with the price of the item from the order. When the item is received, its cost is assigned according to either:
- Total unit cost (including any service charges, shipping, discounts, or taxes). This is the default for all existing and new libraries.
- Unit cost (excluding any service charges, shipping, discounts, or taxes)
- No cost is assigned
To change how item cost is assigned, contact OCLC Support or your Implementation Manager.
- From the Items Processed section, click the barcode to open the Item Details screen.
- Click Send to Label Print List. The Send Record to Label Print List dialog window opens if you have more than one label print list.
- From the Send Record to Label Print List dialog window, select the Label Print List Name to which you want to send the record from the drop-down list.
- Click Send. You will receive a message indicating whether or not the record was sent to the label print list. If the system was unable to send the record, a reason will be given.
- (Optional) Click the label print list name in the confirmation message to open the label print list.
Search for a single record and add it to a label print list
You can also search for monographs to send to a label print list after receiving. For example, you could create labels for a library book cart of new items in this way.
- On the left navigation, click Discover Items.
- Select Local Holdings Records from the Data Type drop-down list.
- Select Barcode from the Index drop-down list.
- In the Term(s) field, enter your item barcode. The search field will expand to fit your search terms, if needed.
- Click Search or press <Enter>.
- From the results list, click the item barcode of the item record you want to add to a label print list to open the Item Details screen.
- From the Item Details screen, click Send to Label Print List. The Send Record to Label Print List dialog window opens if you have more than one label print list.
- From the Send Record to Label Print List dialog window, select the Label Print List Name to which you want to send the record from the drop-down list.
- Click Send. You will receive a message indicating whether or not the record was sent to the label print list. If the system was unable to send the record, a reason will be given.
- (Optional) Click the label print list name in the confirmation message to open the label print list.
- Repeat for all items that need labels (e.g. all items on cart).
You can also add up to 100 records to a label print list at one time. See Add multiple records to a label print list.
Print labels using Acquisitions
Optionally, you can print labels for received items.
All items received in a browser session automatically appear in the Receive and Invoice area so you can print labels for them. Ending your browser session (logging off WMS) clears all items from this area.
- From the left navigation, click Receive and Invoice.
- Click Print Labels.
- On the Print Labels screen, select the checkboxes for the items you want labels for and click Save/Download Label File for Printing. Labels are in a CSV file.
- Use the Mail-merge functionality in Microsoft Word (or a similar word processing program) to print labels using the CSV file.