OCLC Support

Approve or order purchase requests

Discover how to approve or reject an order request as well as how to order an approved purchase request in WorldShare Acquisitions.

 Note: If the Request Source of the request is from Tipasa, please communicate to ILL staff about whether the item was approved and ordered or rejected.

Approve a purchase request

Approve an item from the Pending Requests screen

 Note: This option allows you to approve multiple items at a time.

  1. Navigate to Purchase Requests > Pending Requests.
  2. Click Search to view all pending purchase requests.
  3. Select the check box for the item(s) you want to approve.
  4. From the Approve drop-down menu, select an approval option.
    • Approve - Approves the item but does not add the request as an item to an order.
    • Approve and Order - Approves the item and directs you to the Add Item to Order window. For more information, see Add item to order.

Approve an item from the Request Details screen

  1. Navigate to Purchase Requests > Pending Requests.
  2. Click Search to view all pending purchase requests.
  3. Click the Title of the item you want to approve.
  4. From the Request Details screen, select an approval option from the Approve drop-down menu.
    • Approve - Approves the item but does not add the request as an item to an order.
    • Approve and Order - Approves the item and directs you to the Add Item to Order window. For more information, see Add item to order.

Reject a purchase request

Reject an item from the Pending Requests screen

 Note: This option allows you to reject multiple items at a time.

  1. Navigate to Purchase Requests > Pending Requests.
  2. Click Search to view all pending purchase requests.
  3. Select the check box for the item(s) you want to reject.
  4. Click Reject.

Reject an item from the Request Details screen

  1. Navigate to Purchase Requests > Pending Requests.
  2. Click Search to view all pending purchase requests.
  3. Click the Title of the item you want to reject.
  4. From the Request Details screen, click Reject.

Order an approved purchase request

Order an item from the Approved Requests screen

 Note: This option allows you to order multiple items at once.

  1. Navigate to Purchase Requests > Approved Requests.
  2. Click Search to view all approved purchase requests.
  3. Select the check box for the item(s) you want to order.
  4. Click Order.
  5. (Optional) Click on the hyperlinked text in the confirmation message to be taken directly to the order.

Order an item from the Request Details screen

  1. Navigate to Purchase Requests > Approved Requests.
  2. Click Search to view all approved purchase requests.
  3. Click the Title of the item you want to order.
  4. From the Request Details screen, click Order.
  5. (Optional) Click on the hyperlinked text in the confirmation message to be taken directly to the order.