OCLC Support

Add previously ordered items to an invoice

Discover how to add previously ordered items to an invoice in WorldShare Acquisitions.


You can add items that you previously ordered to an invoice. This process occurs on the receive and invoice screen in Acquisitions and is different from adding items you have not ordered to an invoice. To learn how to add items directly to an invoice (without ordering first), see Add items directly to an invoice (without ordering first).

There are several ways to add a previously ordered item to an invoice:

  • Fully invoice items
  • Partially invoice items
  • Credit invoice items
  • Refund invoice items
  • Supplemental invoice items

These options are described in detail below in Step 3: Add ordered items to invoice.

Step 1: Select new or existing invoice on which to add ordered items

To invoice items, you must either create a new invoice, which would then be selected by default, or select an existing invoice. 

Create a new invoice

  1. From the left navigation, click Receive and Invoice.
  2. From the Receive and Invoice panel, click New Invoice.
  3. Enter the Vendor, Invoice Number, and Invoice Date of the invoice.
  4. Click Save. This invoice will then be automatically selected for use.

Select an existing invoice

  1. From the left navigation, click Receive and Invoice.
  2. Enter the vendor name into the Vendor search box in the left panel. As you type, a list will appear showing the vendors in use that match your search.
    • If a vendor does not appear, make sure the vendor is listed as In use in Vendors.
  3. Type the invoice number into the Invoice Number search box. As you type, a list will appear showing the vendors in use that match your search.

Step 2: Find ordered items to invoice

  1. In the Receive and Invoice panel, select a processing type from the Processing Type drop-down list.
    • E-Product - All e-products
    • Local - One Time - A physical or nonphysical item that does not belong in WorldCat or the knowledge base (e.g., membership, furniture, office supplies, technology, etc.) that is received in a single transaction
    • Local - Subscription - A physical or nonphysical item that does not belong in WorldCat or the knowledge base (e.g., membership, furniture, office supplies, technology, etc.) that is received continually
    • Monograph - Monographs where only one barcode is applied
    • Serial - Print serials and multi-part monographs where multiple barcodes are applied
  2. Select Invoice from the Action drop-down list.
  3. Click View Items.
  4. Click the Search Text form field and then press <Enter>.
  5. Find the item(s) you want to invoice using one of the following methods:

    Find a specific item
    1. Select a search filter from the Search drop-down list.
    2. Enter the search criteria in the Search Text form field. Search results appear automatically when you stop typing.
    3. To return to the list of outstanding items, delete all text from the Search Text form field.

       Note: Barcode searches are possible only after importing shelf ready data. See Import invoice and shelf-ready data.

    Find all items on an order
    1. Select Order Number from the Search drop-down list.
    2. Enter the full order number (PO number), including "PO" and dashes (-), in the Search Text form field. Search results appear automatically when you stop typing.
    3. To return to the list of outstanding items, delete all text from the Search Text form field.
  6. You may also narrow your search by one of the filters below.
    Search filters - Table
    To search by Use retrieval method
    Search Select an index with which to limit your search from the list:
    • 關鍵字
    • Title (default)
    • 複本號
    • 條碼
    • OCLC 編號
    • Invoice Number
    • ISBN
    • ISSN
    • Order Item Number
    • Order Number
    Content Type Select the content type of the item from the list.
    • To return to the list of all items, select the blank space in the list.
    分館 Select the branch the item is to be delivered to from the list.
    • The branch is in the Location column on the order.
    • To return to the list of outstanding items, select the blank space in the list.
    Order Status (not available for editing when action is set to Receive) Select the degree to which the order has been placed:
    • Ordered
    • Cancellation requested
    • Not cancelled
    • Cancelled
    登收狀態 Select the degree to which the order has been completed. Differs by processing type.
    Purchase Status Select the degree to which invoicing has been completed:
    • Not invoiced
    • Partially invoiced
    • Invoiced
    • Partially paid
    • Paid

Step 3: Add ordered items to invoice

You can invoice all copies of an order item or only some copies of an order item. Invoicing only some copies of an item will leave the order price of the un-invoiced copies still encumbered on the budget (as long as the order is of type Purchase Order).

There are five invoice item types:

  • Full invoice items: These cover 100% cost of the copies being invoiced. When the invoice is paid, the entire order price of the copies is dis-encumbered.
  • Partial invoice items: These cover a percentage of the copies being invoiced. When the invoice is paid, any percentage not invoiced is still encumbered for the ordered items.
  • Credit invoice items: These allow the vendor to provide a credit that you can use to purchase future items from them.
  • Refund invoice items: These are similar to credit items, but in this case, the vendor refunds the money paid to the library for use in any way they wish, not just to purchase items from them.
  • Supplemental invoice items: These cover any additional costs for an item that was already invoiced previously. You can only create a supplemental invoice item for an item whose invoice percentage is 100%.

Fully invoice items

This describes the process for invoicing an item fully (see definition of Full invoice items at top of this section). This is the typical way of invoicing an item.

  1. Select the invoice and find the ordered item(s) to invoice.
  2. In the Invoiced column, click Add to Invoice.
  3. The Add Item to Invoice dialog window opens, with the Pay Option Pay in full selected by default.
  4. Click Add in the Add Item to Invoice window. The item moves to be the new first line of the Items processed in this session. 100% appears in the invoice column.

Partially invoice items

This describes the process for invoicing an item partially (see definition of Partial invoice items at top of this section). This method of invoicing is used when you are paying for an item in installments and only want part of the order price to be disencumbered upon payment.

Partially invoice item by percentage

You can partially invoice an item based on the percentage assigned to the invoice item. The encumbrance for the copy is reduced by the percentage of the invoice item.

  1. Select the invoice and find the ordered item(s) to invoice.
  2. In the Invoiced column, click Add to Invoice.
  3. In the Add Item to Invoice dialog window, select Pay by percentage for Pay Option.
  4. Enter the % to be invoiced at this time or select using the arrow keys. You can select 0-100%.
  5. Click Add.
    • The open Item moves to Items processed in this session area at bottom of screen.
    • The Invoiced column will display the invoice item percentage you selected.

Partially invoice item by amount

You can partially invoice an item based on the amount paid for the order item. The encumbrance for the copy is reduced by the amount paid on the invoice.

This is useful when processing items that are invoiced multiple times or in multiple parts and the price of each part is uncertain.

 Note: If there are multiple funds on the order item, the encumbrance for each fund is reduced proportional to the amount or percentage allocated to that fund. For example, if you invoiced an order item with two funds with $100.00 allocated to each fund, and the invoice amount was $100.00, the remaining encumbrance for each fund would be $50.00 upon payment of the invoice.

  1. Select the invoice and find the ordered item(s) to invoice.
  2. In the Invoiced column, click Add to Invoice.
  3. In the Add Item to Invoice dialog window, select Pay by amount for Pay Option. The amount encumbered for the item is displayed as well as a Unit Price text field.
  4. Enter the Unit Price for the item being invoiced.
  5. Click Add.
    • The open Item moves to Items processed in this session area at the bottom of the screen.
    • The Invoiced column will display --- as the item is disencumbered based on the amount paid on the invoice rather than on percentage.
Invoice the same item by amount

You can invoice the same item by amount multiple times. This is useful when processing items that are invoiced multiple times or in multiple parts and the price of each part is uncertain.

  1. From the left navigation, click Receive and Invoice.
  2. Select Monograph or Serial from the Processing Type drop-down list.
  3. Select Invoice from the Action drop-down list.
  4. Click View Items.
  5. Select Partially Paid from the Purchase Status drop-down list.
  6. Locate the item you previously invoiced.
  7. Select Add Debit to Invoice from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  8. In the Add Item to Invoice dialog window, the amount still encumbered for the item is displayed as well as a Unit Price text field.
  9. Enter the Unit Price for the item being invoiced.
    If this is the final part for this item, click the Clear encumbrance and mark copies as paid checkbox. If you select this checkbox:
    • Any remaining encumbrance for the order item will be immediately cleared and set to 0.00.
    • Once all invoices are paid for the item, the resulting copies will be marked as Paid rather than Partially Paid.
  10. Click Add.

Credit items

This describes the process for creating credit invoice items (see definition of Credit invoice items at the top of this section). A credited item decreases the amount paid from the fund upon payment of invoice. You can only apply a credit to items with the Purchase Status of Paid.

  1. Select the invoice and find the ordered item(s) to invoice.
    • When searching for ordered items to credit, filter by Purchase Status of Paid.
  2. In the Invoiced column, click the Select Action drop-down list and select Add Credit to Invoice.
  3. On the Add Item to Invoice window, select the Amount to be credited: 
    1. Full price of the item per copy (default) 
    2. Enter amount
  4. Click Add.
  5. The item moves to the Item(s) processed in this session area.

Refund items

This describes the process for creating refund invoice items (see definition of Refund invoice items at the top of this section). A refunded item decreases the amount paid from fund upon payment of invoice. You can only apply a refund to items with the Purchase Status of Paid.

  1. Select the invoice and find the ordered item(s) to invoice.
    • When searching for ordered items to refund, filter by Purchase Status of Paid.
  2. In the Invoiced column, click the Select Action drop-down list and select Add Refund to Invoice.
  3. On the Add Item to Invoice window, select the Amount to be refunded:
    1. Full price of the item per copy (default) 
    2. Enter amount
  4. Click Add.
  5. The item moves to the Item(s) processed in this session area.

Supplemental items

This describes the process for creating supplemental invoice items (see definition of supplemental invoice items at the top of this section). This method of invoicing is often used when a vendor has accidentally invoiced you for less than the full price of the item. You can only use this option if the item is already 100% invoiced and has the Purchase Status of Paid.

  1. Select the invoice and find the ordered item(s) to invoice.
    • When searching for ordered items to supplement, filter by Purchase Status of Paid.
  2. In the Invoiced column, click the Select Action drop-down list and select Add Supplement to Invoice.
  3. On the Add Item to Invoice window, edit the Amount:
    1. Amount - Enter the amount from the vendor per copy.
  4. Click Add.
  5. The item moves to the Item(s) processed in this session area.