OCLC Support

OCLC WorldCat Discovery


This site employs TLS 1.2. EZproxy 6.2.2 is required to proxy this resource.

In order to provide access to resources that use https, your EZproxy server must be configured with an SSL certificate.

Title [My Institution] WorldCat Discovery (updated 20210806)
HTTPHeader -request -process x-oclc-api-key
HTTPHeader -request -process x-oclc-api-keyn
URL https://[my institution].on.worldcat.org
HJ [registry_id].on.worldcat.org
DJ worldcat.org
Find "https://" + location.hostname + (location.port != "" ? ":" + location.port : "")
Replace "https://^A[my institution].on.worldcat.org"
Find returnLocation = scheme + location.hostname + (location.port != "" ? ":" + location.port : "")
Replace returnLocation = "https://^A[my institution].on.worldcat.org"
Find sendLocation = scheme + location.hostname + (location.port != "" ? ":" + location.port : "")
Replace sendLocation = "https://^s[my institution].on.worldcat.org^"

For every [my institution] in the stanza above, insert the institution used with your WorldCat Discovery instance. For [registry_id] above, insert your institution's registry ID.

Also add the following hidden stanza to allow the non-customized pieces of the IDM to be proxied as well as static scripts/images that support WorldCat Local but do not need to be customized. The URL in this stanza is irrelevant; it is only the presence of "DJ worldcat.org" that matters.

Title -Hide WorldCat IDM and static content (updated 20151007)
 URL http://worldcat.org
 HJ on.worldcat.org
 DJ worldcat.org