OCLC Support


Learn how to use the TokenKey config.txt directive to specify a token key for authentication to Books24x7.com in EZproxy.

TokenKey specifies the token key to use when authenticating to Books24x7.com. The token key is a value is an arbitrary string chosen by your institution to randomize the tokens provided to Books24x7.com. This value is used in combination with the Books24x7Site and TokenSignatureKey to generate encrypted authentication URLs needed to authenticate users into this resource.

TokenKey is used only once per database stanza and interacts with database stanzas. The scope of TokenKey is the current database stanza. It is a position-dependent config.txt directive.


Qualifier 說明
key Value chosen by your institution to randomize the tokens provided to Books24x7.com. Once chosen and in use, this value should not be changed.


TokenKey key


A typical configuration for accessing Books24x7.com.

Title Books24x7.com
URL http://library.books24x7.com/library.asp?^B
Books24x7Site ABC123
TokenKey SomethingYouPickAndDontTellAnyone
TokenSignatureKey YouGetThisFromBooks24x7
DJ books24x7.com

Related directives

Books24x7site, TokenSignatureKey