OCLC Support


Learn how to use the Cookie config.txt directive in EZproxy to preload cookie values to be sent to specific remote web servers.

Cookie preloads cookie values that should be sent to specific remote web servers. These Cookie values become part of new EZproxy sessions as they are created. The need to use this option is extremely rare.

Cookie is a repeatable, position-dependent config.txt directive.


Qualifier 說明
cookie=value Specify the name of the cookie to set and the value to assign to the cookie.
; domain= domain Specify the domain to which the cookie should be sent.


Option 說明
; path= /path Specify the path for which the cookie should be sent. The most common value is ; path= /


Cookie cookie= value[; path= / path]; domain= domain


Preload a cookie required by ScienceDirect for proxying to function.

Cookie BROWSER_SUPPORT_COOKIES=1; domain=.sciencedirect.com