OCLC Support

Create a title list

Discover how to prepare and create a title list for upload in Choreo Insights.

Your library has the ability to upload custom-created title lists and compare them against your institution's collection. These title lists can be uploaded from anyone from your library as long as they have a Choreo Insights account.

Once a list is uploaded by a user, it is available to use by everyone at your library. Lists denoted by a globe icon in the Lists drop-down are created by OCLC staff and available to all Choreo Insights institutions. 

  1. Navigate to the Uploads tab.
  2. Click Download to the right of Template Title List File to download a template for structuring your title lists.
  3. Fill in your title list:
    • The list should contain only OCLC Numbers, ISBNs or a mixture of the two.
    • The file should be in a CSV file format.
    • The list should contain a column called OCLC_NUMBER.
    • The list should contain a column called ISBN.
    • List titles should be 50 characters or less and contain no spaces.
    • Any underscores included will be treated as a space.
  4. After you have finished adding titles, you can upload the title list to use it. 

Lists are limited to a size of 5,000 rows.