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OCLC Support

WorldCat Discovery errors

Authorization errors

You are trying to sign in to the user portal for Tipasa or WMS and receive an error message stating Oops. Something went wrong. You are not authorized to view this content. Reason and resolution
You receive an error message stating Oops. Something went wrong. You are not authorized to view this content. when signing in and attempting to load an ILL form. Reason and resolution
You receive an error message stating Oops. Something went wrong. You are not authorized to view this content. when signed in and navigating the user portal. Reason and resolution
Signing in to WMS, you receive the error message Not Authorized. You are not authorized to access WorldShare Management Application Reason and resolution

Linking errors

The error Bad Request - Invalid URL comes up when following an OpenURL Resolver link. Reason and resolution

Search errors

You receive the following error message when searching in WorldCat Discovery: There was an error while displaying your record. Reason and resolution
You receive the following error message when searching in WorldCat Discovery: Try your search again, use different search terms, or go back to select different filtering criteria. Reason and resolution
When you select a title in a Course Reserve list, you receive the following error message: There was an error while displaying your record. Reason and resolution
You receive an error message (e.g., There was an error while displaying your record.) when you page through 20 or more pages of search results Reason and resolution
You receive the error message when attempting to search for an article you used to be able to access in WorldCat Discovery: There was an error while displaying your record. Reason and resolution
You receive the following error message each time you perform a search in WorldCat Discovery when you're off campus: Try your search again, use different search terms, or go back to select different filtering criteria. Reason and resolution
You receive an OOPS error message when searching in WorldCat Discovery. Reason and resolution
You receive the following error message when searching WorldCat Discovery using the search box on your library's website: There was an error while displaying your record. Reason and resolution

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