Local bibliographic data (LBD) field mapping
See OCLC's Bibliographic Standards and Formats for more information.
See Item Details Settings for instructions on customizing how data from MARC records, including local bibliographic data (LBD), displays to library users when they view item details information for records in the WorldCat Discovery interface.
Local bibliographic data in the Interface
This information only displays in your library's Discovery view and is enabled in OCLC Service Configuration > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Item Detail Settings.
Interface label in WorldCat Discovery | Local bibliographic field/subfield | Example |
Uniform title | 240 a 730 a 793 a 799 a |
Subjects |
600 a,b,c,d,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z |
Genre | 600 v 610 v 611 v 630 v 650 v 651 v |
備註 |
All subfields from: 500 |
Searching for Local bibliographic data
To search Local bibliographic data in WorldCat Discovery, please use the following indexes.
Index name | Index label(s) to search | Fields included in the index |
Local System Number |
lz: |
Not able to search. |
Subject heading |
su: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
備註 |
nt: |
500, 501, 590-599 |
標題 |
ti: |
711, 730, 792, 793, 798, 799 |
Uniform title |
ut: |
240, 700, 710, 711, 730, 790, 791, 792, 793, 796, 797, 798, 799 |
Name (called Author in FirstSearch/Resource Sharing) |
au: |
700, 710, 711, 790, 791, 792, 796, 797, 798 LBD does not distinguish between primary and secondary authors as it does for bibliographic data. See Item bibliographic display, Brief item detail. |
Personal name |
pn: |
700, 790, 796 |
關鍵字 |
kw: |
240, 500, 501, 590-599, 600, 610, 611, 650, 651, 655, 700, 710, 711, 730, 790, 791, 792, 793, 796, 797, 798, 799 |
LC Classification number |
lc: |
695 |
Dewey Decimal Classification number |
dd: |
695 |
Corporate/Conference subject |
nc: |
610, 611, 697, 698 |
Descriptors |
de: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
Genre |
ge: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
Geographic coverage |
gc: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
Personal name subject heading |
na: |
600, 696 |
Corporate/Conference name |
cn: |
710, 711, 791, 792, 797, 798 |
LC children's subject heading |
hc: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
hl: |
600, 610, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
MeSH |
hm: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
NAL subject heading |
ha: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
Canadian subject heading |
he: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
RVM subject heading |
hr: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
Other subject heading |
ho: |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699 |
Standard number |
sn: |
700, 710, 711, 730, 790, 791, 792, 793, 796, 797, 798, 799 |
NLM classification number |
lm: |
695 |
Other classification number |
ot: |
695 |
For more information on OCLC's data synchronization services, see Data sync collections.