Electronic Collections Online (ECO)
In 2011, OCLC discontinued updates to the Electronic Collections Online (ECO) database and moved database content to a service archive. ECO metadata through the 2011 end of updates is still searchable as a database on the FirstSearch service. In addition, libraries that maintain an annual access fee can continue to link to articles in journals from their previous Electronic Collections Online subscriptions as long as OCLC still has access to this content.
Since no changes have been made to ECO metadata or article content since 2011, and OCLC has no plans to reinstitute updates, ECO metadata and article content are not included in FirstSearch COUNTER 5 reports.
Why select this database?
- It offers a growing collection of online journals in a variety of subject areas, all with the original contents of articles, including images.
- You can view bibliographic information for all journals and view full-text articles from journals to which your institution subscribes.
- You can add links in your web pages or online catalog that will take your users directly to specific journals within the database.
- It is produced by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Subjects included
- agricultural
- anthropology
- business
- economics
- education
- fine arts
- geography
- history
- language
- law
- library science
- literature
- medicine
- philosophy
- political science
- psychology
- religion
- science
- social science
- technology
Database details
Database name | ECO |
Short database name | JECO |
Available on | FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery, and WorldCat.org |
Sources | 5000+ journals Please contact OCLC Orders to request a report of the Electronic Collections (ECO) titles your library has access to. |
Number of records | 6,300,000+ |
Coverage | 1995 – 2012 |
Update frequency | Static |
Producer | OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. |
Index labels and search examples
Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches.
Search indexes | Labels | Examples |
關鍵字 | kw: | coffeehouse+ |
Abstract | ab: | arabica |
Accession number | no: | 00320862102pn0654 |
Article type | at= | rapid communication |
著者 | au: | o'hara ohara |
Author affiliation | aa: | coffee research |
Author phrase | au= | ohara hidetaka |
First page | pg: | a1 |
Identifier | id: | stress fract* |
Identifier phrase | id= | work stress |
Issue | is: | 3&4 |
語言 | ln= | german |
Publication date | pd: | 19970828 |
出版商 | pb: | kluwer |
Reference | rf: | whey |
Source | so: | tropical animal |
Source phrase | so= | tropical animal health and production |
Standard number | sn: | 0008-4204 |
標題 | ti: | coffee composting |
Title phrase | ti= | accelerated coffee pulp composting |
Volume | vo: | 10 |
Index use and structure
What follows is a list of FirstSearch indexes and the combination of USE and STRUCTURE attributes that can be used to access them.
- For any FirstSearch label where multiple USE attributes are listed all the attributes will provide the exact same search result sets.
- Any USE attribute that is not marked as a restrictor is available via the SCAN service.
- Restrictors are specially implemented indexes and are not available for scanning. Terms for these must be ANDed with other terms to limit the size of the result set. See the table provided for each restrictor to determine valid terms and their associated meaning.
FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access the article records:
索引 | 說明 | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | Indexed Fields and Subfields |
Keyword (kw) | 任何 |
1016 |
2 | Contents of: Abstract (520/a) Subject (653/a) Title (245/a) Source Phrase (773/t) |
Year (yr) * | Date-publication | 31 | 5 | 008 |
Accession Number (no) | Control number-local | 12 | 2 | 035/a |
Author (au) | Author-name | 1003 | 1, 2 | 100/a, 700/a |
Title (ti) | 標題 | 4 | 1, 2 | 245/a |
Publisher (pb) | Name-publisher | 1018 | 2 | 260/b |
Abstract (ab) | Abstract | 62 | 2 | 520/a |
Author Affiliation (aa) | OCLC Specific | 5100 | 2 | 949/u |
Article Type (at) | Content type | 1034 | 1 | 949/l |
Language (ln) | Code-language | 54 | 1 | 546/a |
Publication Date (pd) | Date | 30 | 2 | 949/e, 949/g |
Page Number, First (pg) | OCLC Specific | 5006 | 2 | 949/f |
Reference (rf) | OCLC Specific | 5009 | 2 | 980/q |
Standard ISSN Number (sn) | Identifier-standard | 1007 | 2 | 773/x, 780/x |
Source (so) | Title-host-item | 1033 | 1, 2 | 773/t, 949/a,b,d,e |
Identifier (id) | Subject-local | 29 | 1, 2 | 653/a |
Volume (vo) | OCLC Specific | 5013 | 2 | 949/a |
Issue Number (no) | OCLC Specific | 5004 | 2 | 949/bd |
Topics (lc) | OCLC Specific | 16 | 5 | 773/9 |
Collection (cl) | OCLC Specific | 5000 | 2 | 980/d |
FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access the journal records:
索引 | 說明 | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | Indexed Fields and Subfields |
關鍵字 | OCLC Specific | 5116 | 2 | 245/a
953/j |
Subject | OCLC Specific | 5657 | 2 | 953/j |
標題 | OCLC Specific | 5246 | 2 | 245/a |
出版商 | OCLC Specific | 5260 | 2 | 260/b |
ISSN | OCLC Specific | 5922 | 2 | 022/a |
館藏 | OCLC Specific | 5888 | 2 | 983/y |
Record display information
List of FirstSearch fields for Electronic Collections Online and the MARC fields to which they correspond:
FirstSearch fields for article records | MARC field |
年份 | 008 |
Standard SICI | 024/a |
Accession number | 035/a |
Author Name | 100/a 700/a |
Article Title | 245/a |
出版商 | 260/b |
Page Count | 300/a |
Series | 490/a |
Abstract | 520/a |
語言 | 546/a |
Keywords | 653/a |
Journal Title | 773/t |
Citations | 773/g |
ISSN | 022/a |
ISSN in article records | 773/x |
Last/Previous ISSN | 780/x |
Library Holdings | 948 Detailed holdings information is available in FirstSearch Z39.50 Configuration Guide - Element Set Names. |
Volume number | 949/a |
Issue number | 949/b |
Page number | 949/c |
Supplement/Part | 949/d |
Date information | 949/e |
Publication date (YYYYMMDD) | 949/g |
Article type from publisher | 949/l (949/"L") |
Author affiliation(s) | 949/u |
Article copyright | 949/y |
References | 980/q |
Collection of Journals of which it is a part | 980/d |
FirstSearch fields for journal records | MARC field |
ISSN | 022/a |
標題 | 245/a |
LC Classification | 090/a |
Dewey Classification | 092/a |
Subjects/Identifiers | 953/j |
館藏 | 980/d |
出版商 | 260/b |
The following restrictors can be used only in conjunction with an index search. They must be added to an index search with the Boolean AND to receive search results:
Restrictors | Type | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | 備註 |
Year* | All (--) Single (1999) Range (1992-1998) |
31 | 5 | Restrict to a single year, or a range of years. |
* Year is both an index and a restrictor.
Search results in the Electronic Collections Online database of article records can be sorted by Author (1003), Title (4), and Publication Date (30). Search results of journal records can be sorted by Title (5246).
General punctuation rules
(exceptions are made, but these are generally correct):
Punctuation | Rule | Punctuation | Rule |
" | Delete and collapse | $ | Delete and collapse |
' | (apostrophe) Delete and collapse | % | Delete and collapse |
. | (period) Delete and collapse | * | Delete and collapse |
, | (comma) Delete and collapse | + | Delete and collapse |
; | Delete and collapse | > | Delete and collapse |
: | Delete and collapse | < | Delete and collapse |
() | Delete and collapse | @ | Delete and collapse |
<> | Delete and collapse | ? | Delete and collapse |
{} | Delete and collapse | -- | Delete and collapse |
[] | Delete and collapse | / | Substitute a space |
= | Delete and collapse | - | Retain and index |
! | Delete and collapse | & | Retain and index |
# | Delete and collapse |
Searching tips
Keyword searches (1016):The Keyword search finds information in these fields: Title (245/a), Abstract (520/a), Subject (653/a), and Source (773/t).
Author names searches (1003): Most, but not all, author names are listed last name first. First names or first initials may be listed. Consider using the Unordered Adjacency (n) operator and the Boolean OR operator to search for names.
Publication Date searches (30): Use the Publication Date value (30) to search for articles by publication date. Type dates in this format: YYYYMMDD. You can search for a single date or a range of dates.
Phrase indexes do not include the leading articles A, AN or THE.
Browse the collection
Users can browse journals by:
- Subjects
- Publisher collections
- Titles
- Available issues
- Tables of contents
Copyright information
Copyright © 1992-2018 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.