Connexion client: Automation and customization 1:39 pm - 3:21 pm Tuesday, November 12, 2024 | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) WEBVTT 1 Crystal Rodriguez 00:22:02.240 --> 00:22:22.080 Okay, so welcome to today's session on connection client automation and customization. My name is Crystal Rodriguez and I am a product trainer here at OCLC on our member of education team. So just jumping right in, connection, client, includes several tools that can help you. 2 Crystal Rodriguez 00:22:22.280 --> 00:22:36.880 Customize the interface to fit your local workflows and maximize your cataloging efficiency. Understanding these features can help you make informed decisions about their best use in your catalogging operation operations. 3 Crystal Rodriguez 00:22:41.520 --> 00:23:01.720 So today's session will begin with reviewing automation tools, specifically you will learn how to create an apply constant data records and text strings along with using OCLC supplied macros and recording simple custom macros. Next, you will learn how to use some of the customization tool. 4 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:02.560 --> 00:23:14.000 Such as user tools, the toolbar editor, and keystroke shortcuts. These tools can minimize clicks, decrease errors, and save time for staff. 5 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:18.080 --> 00:23:35.640 Connection client offers several automation tools. Here we will briefly review some important facts about each of those. Library staff can create and apply constant data records to add standard content to biblographic records without having to rekey. 6 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:37.280 --> 00:23:42.640 Use text strings for entering frequently used brief data anywhere in a record. 7 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:44.160 --> 00:23:56.880 And macros are short programs to automate repetitive multi step actions. You can use OCLC supplied macros and or record and apply custom macros. 8 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:00.720 --> 00:24:19.160 Now it maybe difficult to determine which of the automation tools is best for your workflows, as this often depends on several factors. So as we proceed through this class, you will should be able to determine which tool to use for your workflows based on your answers to the following question. 9 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:19.320 --> 00:24:39.200 Questions. Will the data be applied to a specific record format type or is it text that will be used despite the record format type? What information will be added to the record? Is it a single field, multiple fields fixed or variable field data? Or a sub field. 10 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:41.120 --> 00:24:51.760 Will the data be shared amongst staff? Will you be working with a batch of records? And lastly, will you be applying multi step actions or a string of commands? 11 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:57.680 --> 00:25:00.040 So we're gonna start by discussing constant data. 12 Crystal Rodriguez 00:25:01.600 --> 00:25:22.000 And some of additional details on that, and then I will demonstrate creating and applying constant data. So you'll use constant data when you apply fixed field and or variable field data to a specific record format type. Another use is when you will be applying the data to a displayed bigger graphic record, workf. 13 Crystal Rodriguez 00:25:22.000 --> 00:25:41.760 Form or multiple saved records. Constant data records can be used to add in a an original cataloging template with fixed or and variable fields. Use constant data records for regularly repeated content. Common uses include adding a single field. 14 Crystal Rodriguez 00:25:42.560 --> 00:26:02.920 Such as a nine four nine field with order information, or adding a group of fields such as a local note, a five ninety, a local subject heading, six ninety, and order field the nine four nine. And as you see here on the note, you can add a descriptive name and a my status to help you id. 15 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:02.960 --> 00:26:05.920 Identify your specific constant data records. 16 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:09.400 --> 00:26:27.800 Now just like when you're creating bibliographic records, which we covered in our previous class, there are two options for creating constant data records. While working online or offline, you can create them from a blank work form. Additionally, you can derive from a bibliographic record when you're working on. 17 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:29.400 --> 00:26:47.760 These constant data records can be saved to the online constant data file or a local constant data file. Regardless of where they're saved, they can be applied when working online. However, only records that are stored to a local save file can be applied offline. 18 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:48.560 --> 00:26:56.800 Furthermore, it's important to note that constant data records saved online will be available in World Share Record Manager as well. 19 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:59.920 --> 00:27:02.040 Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and switch over to connection. 20 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:03.840 --> 00:27:05.480 And I'm going to start by signing in. 21 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:07.160 --> 00:27:08.680 I have my authorization saved here. 22 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:13.800 --> 00:27:33.120 Now my library has just received a collection of DVDs. Dvds with closed captioning. We need to add a five, four, six field along with a six five five Genrera form field to each record. As these are all visual materials, we are going to create the constant data record. 23 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:33.280 --> 00:27:43.440 Using a visual materials work form type. Two of our cataloggers will be working with this project. So we will create and save the constant data record online. 24 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:45.720 --> 00:28:01.000 Alright, so now that I've logged on to begin the process of creating a constant data record, I'm going to click on cataloging and then create, and I choose constant data. You'll note that I also could use the shortcut of control shift N. 25 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:02.760 --> 00:28:14.520 So when once once I click on that, then I get a box asking me what work form type, as I mentioned, we're going to use visual materials for this example. So I'm just going to choose that and then click OK. 26 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:16.440 --> 00:28:36.360 And here I get a blank work form. This is going to look very much like the blank work forms we looked at when we were in our previous class on creating demographic records. But I do wanna just point out a couple of things here. So note that the work form includes filled characters, these black boxes here. These indicate. 27 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:36.640 --> 00:28:56.840 Elements that are required in a bill of graphic record. Now you'll type over these for fields that you intend to use or you can remove them. Note that removing them will cause a blank once the constant data is applied. If they are left in the constant data record, the fill characters will be applied to the. 28 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:57.040 --> 00:29:01.680 Building graphic record. And we'll review this a bit more in our next example. 29 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:05.600 --> 00:29:20.800 So when you're working with creating a constant data, you can enter these variable fields anywhere in the record, or you can use the field field characters here. So I'm going to go ahead and enter a five forty six. I'm just going to type over these fill characters. 30 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:22.720 --> 00:29:32.360 And then my first indicator is blank as is my second indicator, so I'm just going to type to remove that, and I'm just going to add my note of closed captioned here. 31 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:40.040 --> 00:29:59.640 And then I want to also add a six fifty five field. I'm gonna go ahead and add that at the bottom of my record I'm just gonna hit enter at the end of my record to add an additional field. I'm gonna start typing in my six fifty five. My first indicator is blank and my second indicator is seven. And here I'm. 32 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:59.760 --> 00:30:00.840 Going to type out a note. 33 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:07.120 --> 00:30:09.560 For video recordings for the hearing impaired. 34 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:13.360 --> 00:30:24.600 And then I'm going to add a sub field to here. So to add that sub field indicator it's a control D and I'm adding a sub field too, and this is LCGFFT. 35 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:26.760 --> 00:30:27.040 Alright. 36 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:32.000 --> 00:30:50.680 Now, once you've added whatever data you want in your constant data record, you can then use the reformat option that will cause the record, the items in the record to be moved to the correct format, and it will also remove unused fields. 37 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:51.760 --> 00:31:12.080 So you want to make sure not to reformat until you have entered in everything that you need to within your record. But I'm going to go ahead and use that reformat option of a couple of ways you may recall to do that. I'm gonna use my toolbar button to reformat, so once I click that, happens pretty quickly, but then connection will remove those. 38 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:12.080 --> 00:31:15.920 Those variable fields that I didn't have any data added into. 39 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:18.520 --> 00:31:31.960 Now I want to go ahead and save this record. Now, as I mentioned, I want to save this online because several staff members are going to be using this constant data. So I'm going to go to action. 40 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:33.280 --> 00:31:35.400 And then save record to online file. 41 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:37.160 --> 00:31:42.520 And once I do that, then I get the option to add a constant data name. 42 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:46.080 --> 00:31:49.160 So I'm just gonna call this V VISCC. 43 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:51.560 --> 00:32:11.480 Now you'll see you'll note that it, there's the option here to make this my default constant data Setting a default is not required for online constant data. If you do assign a default, you will determine at that point if you want to apply fixed fields variable fields or both. And this enables you to apply. 44 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:11.680 --> 00:32:27.720 The constant data with fewer clicks in our future steps. You will want to keep in mind that you cannot delete your default local constant data once that's assigned. That's specifically for the, if you save that to the local constant data file. 45 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:30.240 --> 00:32:30.480 Alright. 46 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:35.080 --> 00:32:49.880 So I'm going to go ahead and set this as my default, and I'm gonna put a my status so that when I look for my constant data later I'll know which is mine, so I usually just use my initials there. I'm gonna go ahead and click ok. 47 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:51.920 --> 00:33:10.040 And this is where I mentioned that if you're making it your default, you get the option to choose what, whether you want to apply this constant data for your fixed fields variables or both. I'm going to choose to apply to variable as that's all I really added here. And then I'll just click ok there. 48 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:12.160 --> 00:33:26.760 Now, there are three ways that you can apply this constant data to a record. You can do that by applying the default or you can choose apply from list or apply by name. I'm going to choose to apply the default for my next example. 49 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:28.440 --> 00:33:45.800 And because I'm applying by default, the fields to apply is already decided as I've already chosen to just apply those variable fields. So to apply this I'm going to go ahead and search for my public record, going to cataloging search worldcat, and I'm going to enter in an OCLC number. 50 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:53.400 --> 00:34:13.200 And then just hit enter to have that number, that record removed for me I'm sorry returned. All right. So I want to go ahead and apply that constant data to my record, so I'm going to go to the edit menu and then I choose constant data, and remember I saved this. 51 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:13.320 --> 00:34:33.639 To my online file, and for this example I'm going to choose to apply default. And so when I do that, that default record is going to automatically be added to the record. If we scroll down, we can see that the five forty six was added and the six fifty five were was add. 52 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:33.679 --> 00:34:40.720 Added. And you also will note the little sideways triangle here that indicates that that's the area that has been added in. 53 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:43.280 --> 00:34:51.960 Now from there, you can make any additional edits that you need to save your record, export your record, whatever your process would be at that point. 54 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:53.600 --> 00:34:59.520 I'm going to go ahead and just close this record as that was just for an example, and I'm gonna say close there. 55 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:02.040 --> 00:35:09.680 So that's the basic of creating a basic constant data, but I do want to review a little bit more information regarding the constant data here. 56 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:12.440 --> 00:35:31.840 So it's very important to keep in mind that constant data records do not retain empty fields or elements. If you select to apply fixed fields from constant data, they will overwrite any existing data in that bibleographic record. So here we see information on how to insert. 57 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:31.960 --> 00:35:47.920 Blank fields, keep fields, and preserve fixed fields. So for fixed fields, you will need to add asterisks to preserve the fixed field value in the bibly graphic record, so you would add those asterisks in your constant data record. 58 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:50.040 --> 00:36:10.120 So you within your constant data, you would use a blank or leave the fill character if you do not want to retain the existing data. You'll really want to remember that fill characters are prompts for required elements. Now for your variable fields to. 59 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:10.440 --> 00:36:13.560 Insert empty fields, you're going to enter one. 60 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:14.880 --> 00:36:29.360 Or more placeholder characters or enter a delimiter, a space, the pipe character, the word blank in caps, and then another pipe character as you see here on our slide. 61 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:33.720 --> 00:36:53.640 Variable fields can be entered anywhere in the record. Use reformat when you are finished to remove blank fields. Also, note that the process of creating constant data records and retaining fields and elements is different within World Share Record Manager. So if you're using record Manager as well, please visit our help site. 62 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:53.920 --> 00:36:59.760 For information on those steps. And we're gonna see some of this in action here. 63 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:03.200 --> 00:37:21.800 So here you see an example showing some of the steps that I've just outlined. Note the highlighted areas showing the fill character here, the blanks with the pipe character and the words in blank here. Also notice that in country, we have that as a blank. 64 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:22.640 --> 00:37:29.040 But then like language, we entered in English, so that would overwrite anything in the bibly graphic record. 65 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:31.320 --> 00:37:41.640 Also dates, notice that I have asterisks here, by leaving the asterisk, that will cause whatever data is in the bidly graphic record to be retained. 66 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:46.120 --> 00:37:54.720 And then on my next slide, I'm gonna show you how these translate into the graphic record once it's applied to once the constant data is applied. 67 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:56.560 --> 00:38:04.880 So this is a bit of a graphic record where we applied that constant data record that we were just looking at and you see that the field character was transferred over. 68 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:06.240 --> 00:38:07.480 Our date remained. 69 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:08.840 --> 00:38:29.040 English is our language remained, the country is blank because we had left that blank in our constant data. Some of our other fields were transferred over here, and then note how, when we had the pipe blank pipe, in our two sixty four, that leads us with the field was created, but after. 70 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:29.280 --> 00:38:38.800 The sub field C it's blank so we can enter data. Same here with this nine four nine, the sub field G is blank, allowing us to enter our data there. 71 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:42.280 --> 00:38:44.720 And now I'm going to show you this within connection. 72 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:47.640 --> 00:38:47.880 Alright. 73 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:51.640 --> 00:38:52.640 So I'm going to go ahead and. 74 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:54.160 --> 00:39:01.640 Create a constant data. Again I can do that by going to cataloging, create constant data or using the shortcut. 75 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:03.240 --> 00:39:08.120 Of control shift n. Now this time I'm going to choose a books work form. 76 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:09.600 --> 00:39:10.680 I'm gonna go ahead and click ok there. 77 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:12.280 --> 00:39:25.080 And then I'm just going to add some of this data that was in that previous slide. So for my ELVL I'm leaving the fill character there for language, I'm going to replace the fill character with ENG. 78 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:28.160 --> 00:39:33.120 And then for country I'm going to just remove the filled characters entirely. 79 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:35.120 --> 00:39:46.720 For the DESC, I want to put an I here for DTST, I'm going to add an S, and then for my date, I'm going to add four asterisks. 80 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:49.280 --> 00:40:04.200 Because I want to make sure that the dates that's in my video graphic record will be retained if so if you did not add the asterisk here, those filled characters would overwrite any date in your record. 81 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:06.000 --> 00:40:23.160 Okay, now in my variable fields I want to have a two sixty four, so I'm gonna enter, click enter here to add an extra field, and I'm just gonna type in that two sixty four with my first indicator of four, second indicator blank. 82 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:24.480 --> 00:40:26.520 And then I want to add a control of. 83 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:28.400 --> 00:40:39.560 Delimiter C there and this is where I want to have a blank space. So I'm going to use the pipe symbol and then the word blank in all capitals, and then the pipe single symbol again. 84 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:41.720 --> 00:40:45.080 And now I'm going to add a five hundred note here. 85 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:48.920 --> 00:40:50.840 And I need to I'm gonna look for that in my. 86 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:53.000 --> 00:40:53.200 Notes here. 87 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:54.720 --> 00:41:01.760 There we go. Saves me from having to type it. All right. And then I also want to add that nine four nine field here. 88 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:06.640 --> 00:41:08.840 And again I'm gonna grab that from my clipboard. 89 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:14.400 --> 00:41:14.640 Oops. 90 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:16.440 --> 00:41:23.640 And you'll note that I have subfield G with the pipe symbol blank in all caps and the pipe symbol again. 91 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:25.520 --> 00:41:36.720 Alright, and now that I've added all of my fields I'm going to go ahead and reform reformat, and that removes those additional fields and you'll note that those items in the fixed fields are still there. 92 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:40.360 --> 00:41:47.920 Now this record I want to save this one to my local save file because I'm the it's only going to be used on my workstation. 93 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:49.640 --> 00:41:56.280 So I'm going to go ahead and choose action, and I'm gonna say save record to local file. 94 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:58.600 --> 00:42:03.600 And again, I get the option to name this. So I'm just gonna call it books typical. 95 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:06.880 --> 00:42:09.120 I do not want to set this as my default. 96 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:12.040 --> 00:42:15.640 And then I'm going to go ahead and enter my CGDR as my status. 97 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:17.160 --> 00:42:18.480 And I'm gonna click ok. 98 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:22.360 --> 00:42:38.840 Now at this point, I realized that I don't want to have to set that default my status every time, so I want to go ahead and actually add that into my overall settings within connection. So to do that, I'm going to go to tools options. 99 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:40.800 --> 00:42:43.480 And then I'm going to see the My Status option. 100 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:45.280 --> 00:43:05.440 And I already have a status set for bibliographic records, but I want to set one for my biolographic constant data. So I'm just gonna click in that box and then I'm gonna enter in my initials and click apply and close. By doing that, the next time that I save a record, that status is already. 101 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:05.840 --> 00:43:07.720 So I don't have to remember to add that every time. 102 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:09.720 --> 00:43:17.280 Alright, so this time I'm gonna demonstrate adding this constant data record by name instead of by. 103 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:19.240 --> 00:43:23.400 By by default. So I'm going to go ahead and open up a billographic record here. 104 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:32.840 --> 00:43:34.240 Alright, and we're searching that. 105 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:36.680 --> 00:43:38.480 Sorry, it's taken a second. There we go. 106 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:40.720 --> 00:43:40.960 Alright. 107 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:43.240 --> 00:43:58.200 So for this I want to go ahead and add that books typical and I recall that that's saved in my local file, so I'm going to go to edit constant data, but this time I'm gonna choose local, and I want to apply by name. 108 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:59.560 --> 00:44:05.240 And so that right now that's the only local file I have. So that's why it automatically came up. 109 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:06.720 --> 00:44:23.720 If I did, if I had others I would type the name here and then the find the one that I want. So because I did not save this as a default note that I'm being asked at this point, which mark fields I want to apply, so I'm going to go ahead and choose to apply both. 110 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:28.960 --> 00:44:41.360 Local record in use by ok, I think that that happened because I did not close out of this record. Sorry about that. Let's close that. That constant data record. 111 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:43.120 --> 00:44:52.560 Let's see. Make sure that's why. Alright, we'll searching that again, sorry about that, I got I'm not sure what that error was. 112 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:01.040 --> 00:45:03.120 Now it's not coming up for me. Well, Darn. 113 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:07.360 --> 00:45:16.520 Let me, I I have a record saved in my local safe file, so I'll just pivot here and just go grab one of those for you. And we can apply it at that point. 114 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:18.400 --> 00:45:25.960 So here's actually that same record as a is within my local save file here. So I'm just going to go ahead and double click to open that. 115 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:27.840 --> 00:45:28.840 And then we'll click edit. 116 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:30.400 --> 00:45:38.000 Constant data local, apply by name, we're gonna choose both, click ok. And now it's thinking. 117 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:40.680 --> 00:45:59.120 And there we go. We see that that was applied. So you can see how those items that I preserved or removed were applied. So see that my date did remain because I had added those dates. Now you'll note that the second date did not remain because I did not have asterisks in my constant data. 118 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:00.760 --> 00:46:05.880 And if we scroll down we will see those triangles telling us what was edited, and we can see. 119 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:08.080 --> 00:46:11.680 Those blanks as well. Just like we did when we looked at this on our slide. 120 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:13.320 --> 00:46:13.520 Alright. 121 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:15.120 --> 00:46:19.680 I'm not seeing any questions come in yet, but please feel free to add anything that comes to mind in the chat. 122 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:24.760 --> 00:46:27.280 Alright, and I'm just gonna go ahead and close out of this real quick. 123 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:29.320 --> 00:46:30.400 I don't want to save that. 124 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:37.200 --> 00:46:56.800 So that demonstration was on creating that constant data using workforce. Now, as previously mentioned, you can also derive constant data records. You can do that from an existing bibliographic record or an existing constant data record, and that process can minimize the time that it takes. 125 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:00.040 --> 00:47:01.600 And and allow you to avoid errors. 126 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:04.040 --> 00:47:12.320 One second, I just I see a question here. Can you quickly show again how you come up with two lines after you add the tags. 127 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:14.120 --> 00:47:15.720 I'm not sure what you mean by two lines. 128 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:17.960 --> 00:47:20.440 You mean the triangles, like how I, how we. 129 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:21.920 --> 00:47:29.720 How we reformatted? I will be showing that in a moment, so I think that's what you mean. If not, let me know what you meant by that. 130 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:32.560 --> 00:47:32.760 Okay. 131 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:36.720 --> 00:47:39.600 We'll get, I see a question about macros. We'll get to those shortly. 132 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:41.200 --> 00:48:01.120 Okay, so the derived command enables you to transfer data from that existing constant data record or from abiographic record in order to create a new constant data. As I mentioned, you can use this option when you need to transfer several fields from a Blueba graphic record into your constant data or maybe if you have. 133 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:01.560 --> 00:48:21.120 Existing constant data that contains information that you need to transfer to the other, to a new constant data record, and then of course you want to remember that it's very important that you edit carefully prior to saving that constant data. Okay, so I see the response to yes, right after creating constant data. So that's the reformat. I will demonstrate that. 134 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:21.840 --> 00:48:22.680 With my next example. 135 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:25.440 --> 00:48:40.560 Okay, so just like when you're creating bible graphic records, you will want to begin with reviewing your derived record settings. So we're gonna go take a look at those before we derive a constant data record. So that is found under tools options. 136 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:42.440 --> 00:49:01.640 And then derive record, and it's very important to remember that these options are for both your bibiographic records and your constant data record. There is not a separation there, but what this is going to allow you to do is to decide which fields you want transferred over from your. 137 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:03.600 --> 00:49:07.960 When when you're deriving, from your existing record to the new record when you're deriving. 138 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:10.760 --> 00:49:29.600 So the one XX through eight XX that you're seeing here, these are default fields. I am actually going to go ahead and just remove the six XX and seven XX here for because I don't want those transferred over right now. But keep in mind that if I later wanted to have. 139 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:29.760 --> 00:49:37.640 Those transferred over for bibly graphic records I would need to come in and change this setting. I'm gonna go ahead and click apply and close. 140 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:40.680 --> 00:49:54.280 Alright, so to start the process of deriving a record, I'm going to search for a bibly graphic record. I haven't record here that I have already found in the past that has much of the data that I'm gonna need. So I'm going to go ahead and search for that. 141 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:04.560 --> 00:50:05.680 Alright, so this is. 142 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:07.840 --> 00:50:27.080 On record for a book by Anne Rice and I'm gonna create this because I know that I'm going to be purchasing a few other books in this vampire chronicle series. So I want to have some of those fields in a constant data. So now that I have this record up to derive, I'm going to click edit. 143 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:28.040 --> 00:50:32.680 And then I'm gonna choose derive, and I'm going to choose new constant data. 144 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:35.240 --> 00:50:45.800 I'm asked if I want to transfer the fixed field values to the new record because that's separate from the setting that we just looked at. I'm going to say no in this case. 145 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:50.960 --> 00:51:01.520 And then here I see the items that were transferred over because I said no to the fixed fields, all of those fixed fields are blank here or have fill characters. 146 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:05.280 --> 00:51:23.320 So for for my derived constant data, I don't need some of these fields, so I'm going to go ahead and remove those, so I don't want the title. I'm gonna remove that. I'm gonna remove my two fifty and just as a review, I am clicking on the field and then right clicking and choosing delete field to. 147 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:23.600 --> 00:51:24.280 To remove that field. 148 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:29.520 --> 00:51:32.160 And I want to get rid of these three Xxs here. 149 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:33.920 --> 00:51:52.560 And note that the six XX fields and seven X's didn't transfer so I don't have to worry about those. But I did want to make sure that I kept these items here. I want to get rid of these top ones as well. And it's very important that when you're deleting fields that you choose delete field, not cut cause that would just cut that tag. 150 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:55.120 --> 00:52:14.800 Alright, so I want to save this record to my online file, and I'm sorry I didn't click, I didn't show that reformat, but I'll just quickly demonstrate where that is. So in my case, the reformat is I have the, the toolbar button. You also can find that under. 151 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:18.000 --> 00:52:22.520 Your edit menu and then reformat or control R. 152 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:26.920 --> 00:52:38.760 I see a note about breaking audio breaking. It maybe me, I am actually getting over the flu, so I'm like I'm a little scratchy, but please let me know if anybody else has any issues with that. 153 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:42.320 --> 00:52:42.360 Okay. 154 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:49.120 --> 00:52:49.360 Alright. 155 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:51.640 --> 00:52:52.800 Give me just one moment here. 156 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:57.120 --> 00:53:09.960 Alright, so now that I have this constant data created, I need to go ahead and save that, so I'm gonna click action. Save record to local file. Note how my status has already there because I had added that in that setting before. 157 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:11.840 --> 00:53:13.840 And I'm going to name this one. 158 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:16.960 --> 00:53:17.760 And I click OK. 159 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:21.360 --> 00:53:28.400 All right, so now I want to add this to a blank work form. So I'm going to go ahead and close out my existingual items. 160 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:29.840 --> 00:53:31.640 I'm going to go to cataloging. 161 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:36.160 --> 00:53:43.160 And here I want to choose a single record and a book because I'm creating a bibliographic record work form here. 162 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:48.760 --> 00:53:55.200 And here I want to apply that constant data, but I'm gonna apply it from a list this time. So I'm going to choose edit. 163 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:56.960 --> 00:54:13.200 Constant data, this is in my local list, so I'm gonna click local and then I'm gonna choose apply from list, and here I have the option to search that local file. I can leave this blank and click ok and everything will come up. So that's what I'm gonna do here. 164 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:15.160 --> 00:54:32.320 And then I get my list of the two that I have saved so far, so I'm just gonna click within the rice, thick there, and here I can choose which fields I want to apply. Right now I'm applying the variable field, so I'm gonna go ahead and click that and click apply selected. 165 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:34.440 --> 00:54:50.720 And connection works, and here we see that those fields that I had in my constant data were added, and here's where I can show again that reformat. So I'm just going to use my reformat toolbar. It's very fast once I click on it, connection does its job. There we go. 166 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:53.920 --> 00:55:05.040 Alright, now I'm just gonna go ahead and close this record, but you could then add it to a local file or online file if you needed to save it and go back to it later. I'm just gonna go ahead and close it though. 167 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:09.760 --> 00:55:29.880 Alright, we're most done talking about constantative and we'll on to another topic, but as previously mentioned, constant data records saved to your local constant data file can be applied to records that you've saved to a local save file for offline processing. So to demonstrate that I'm going to s. 168 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:30.080 --> 00:55:31.200 Off of connection real quick. 169 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:37.200 --> 00:55:55.600 So you can apply constant data one record at a time or to multiple records at a time in your local safe file. So I'm going to open up my local safe file as I have a few of those, a few records opened. So I'm going to go to cataloging search, local save file. I'm going to leave the search blank because I want to get all. 170 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:55.600 --> 00:56:01.600 All of my results and I'm going to click OK, and here we see several items that I have saved. 171 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:05.840 --> 00:56:16.520 So just like when you're working with bibly graphic records, if to apply to just one single record, you can highlight that single title or you can double click it to open up that record. 172 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:18.360 --> 00:56:19.080 It's taking a second. 173 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:22.200 --> 00:56:27.600 And then once you have that record open, then you would follow through with choosing your. 174 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:29.160 --> 00:56:45.280 Going to your edit menu, choose constant data, local, and then apply one in one of the web methods that we've showed so I can apply the default here, for example, but I get a note because I didn't choose one. So I will choose a different option here. 175 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:49.360 --> 00:56:54.520 And then I'm just gonna I'm gonna do the books typical, but this time I'm just gonna apply variables, I'm gonna click ok. 176 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:56.520 --> 00:56:57.800 And it's taking a second there. 177 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:00.480 --> 00:57:05.760 But then I can scroll and see that that was applied. I'm going to go ahead and close that. I don't actually want to save it. 178 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:08.400 --> 00:57:27.120 But as I mentioned, then just like when you're working within people graphic records and you can apply constant data from this screen in your local file and you can do that to multiple records. So to choose multi records that are in the same sequence, you can click on the first one, click shift. 179 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:27.760 --> 00:57:47.600 And then click the next record for records, and then straight from here you can choose edit constant data, local and then apply whichever of those you would like to apply. If you're working with records that are not in sequential order, you would use control and click, so choose your first record. 180 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:48.240 --> 00:57:58.920 Use control, and then click your additional records. And again, straight from this screen, you can then apply your constant data in the same ways that we've been demonstrating. 181 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:03.800 --> 00:58:23.320 It's important to remember that your online default constant data record is associated with each connection authorization. So if multiple staff are using the same authorization number, you will share one default constant data. The local con default constant data records are added to a. 182 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:23.440 --> 00:58:43.840 A local file by your workstation, so there you can create multiple local files to accommodate a situation where more than one person is using that workstation. And you can find additional information on that within our help site. And that does remind me I meant to give this to you all earlier, I apologize. I'm going to add into chat. 183 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:44.640 --> 00:59:04.200 The learner guide for this doc, for this class. It's covering all of the items that we were discussing. It's a good reference for you to go back to after the class, and it is a living document, so as we offer these classes, any FAQ or changes that come up would be added to. 184 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:04.600 --> 00:59:06.040 Learning doc, that learning guide. 185 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:07.880 --> 00:59:09.960 So I I meant to give that to you at the beginning of the session. 186 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:11.840 --> 00:59:31.560 Okay, now the last thing about constant data that I want to show you is what if you need to remove it or just view it? So to see a list of existing constant data in your current defaults, you're gonna need to open up that constant data fault file essentially, so we're gonna go to cataloging, search, and then we're gonna look at our. 187 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:32.040 --> 00:59:33.000 Online constant data. 188 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:34.800 --> 00:59:54.960 It's obviously I need to sign in cause I had logged out earlier, and this is where I get that option to search and I can search by my status here. So I can put CGR to find those that are just mine. Click ok. And right now I only have that one record that I created. To delete that, I'm just. 189 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:54.960 --> 01:00:12.640 Just gonna go to action and then choose delete record, and that actually will then delete that record from my constant data list. And then you can do the same with your local save file, so I can go to cataloging search local constant data. 190 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:14.280 --> 01:00:16.640 I'm just gonna go ahead and click ok to see all of them. 191 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:18.080 --> 01:00:19.680 So there I have the two. 192 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:21.360 --> 01:00:33.880 Now I don't currently have a default set, so in order to set a default, I'm going to click on the constant data record that I want to add that default to, so that I can open that up. 193 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:36.040 --> 01:00:39.400 And then I'm going to go to edit. 194 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:41.080 --> 01:00:59.480 Constant data, this is a local constant data, and note that I get the option to set as default. So I could go ahead and click set as default and then I get the question about mark fields to apply. I'm gonna just leave it I'm gonna say both here and click OK. 195 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:01.760 --> 01:01:14.800 And then you can always change your default in that same manner by opening up another record, going to edit, constant data, in this case it's local, and then I could choose to set this one as my default. 196 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:19.240 --> 01:01:28.400 And just like I showed earlier, I also can just go ahead and say, action, delete record, and confirm that I want to delete that record. 197 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:30.520 --> 01:01:41.760 Alright, so that is constant data in a nutshell. I am looking, I don't see any questions that had come in. I see that the it sounds like the audio issue was resolved, i'm glad to hear that. 198 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:43.560 --> 01:01:51.160 Alright, so I'm gonna move on to talking about text strings and then we will cover macros cause I know that was asked about. Alright. 199 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:55.360 --> 01:02:15.120 So another automation tool is text strings. You can use text strings to supplement constant data for entering frequently used brief data anywhere in your records. They can be used for inserting common elements like sub field text, eight location or local notes. 200 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:15.760 --> 01:02:36.240 Use text strings for adding to variable fields or parts of fields. You can include tags, indicators, delimiters, sub field codes, diacritics, and special characters. Text strings can also consist of single or multiple line lines or fields. You'll always need to remember. 201 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:36.280 --> 01:02:47.120 That they are applied at the cursor position. Also, there is no character limit and they are stored locally or offline. Locally onto your computer. 202 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:50.440 --> 01:02:53.520 So with that, let's take a look at text strings in connection. 203 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:57.360 --> 01:03:12.440 To begin the process of adding text strings, you have a couple of options. In my case, I actually have the text strings toolbar here, button, so I can just click on that and that will open up. Oh I need to delete these real quick. Cause I won't be able to show them to you. Alright. 204 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:14.960 --> 01:03:34.280 And then I also can go to tools and choose text strings there. And that opens up the text string manager, as you saw I did have a couple of things there. I I, I want to show those from the beginning so I removed them real quick, so I need to add a text string. 205 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:34.560 --> 01:03:35.840 For some playoay. 206 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:37.760 --> 01:03:49.040 Items that my library has purchased. So I want to go ahead and create that, so I'm going to click add in my text strings manager. I'm gonna add a description. I'm gonna just call it play away. 207 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:51.240 --> 01:04:10.880 And then within the text box, that's where I'm gonna add everything. It's very important to enter the text string exactly as you want it to be applied. If if you plan to add a tag, be sure to include spaces for indicators if there if it's like if it's a blank indicator, for example, before you. 208 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:10.960 --> 01:04:31.440 Enter that text. Also, you'll see it'll look a little weird, but we also, there's space that after the indicators you would not add a space, you would just start adding the text right away. So I will demonstrate that shortly. So here in the text box I'm just gonna enter a five three eight. Now, I don't have any indicators so I'm gonna. 209 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:31.520 --> 01:04:32.400 Leave two spaces there. 210 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:35.360 --> 01:04:37.720 And then let me see if I think I have this in my. 211 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:39.120 --> 01:04:40.840 My clipboard. There we go. 212 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:42.560 --> 01:04:48.480 Actually let me just remove that. Just trying to make it a little faster, but you would type that out and note that there's the two spaces there. 213 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:52.200 --> 01:05:01.520 And then once you have what you want entered here, you can click ok and then my text string is added into the manager there. 214 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:04.360 --> 01:05:05.520 Now I'm gonna close this. 215 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:07.520 --> 01:05:27.760 Now let's say that I need to edit that text string. I can open that manage window again. Again I can either do that from the tools or now that I have a text string I can use the dropdown on my button here and choose manage, and that opens up that box for me. Now with the playoay highlighted, just click on that to highlight it. I'm. 216 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:27.760 --> 01:05:29.080 I'm gonna choose modify. 217 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:30.400 --> 01:05:34.800 And then I'm gonna come down into my text area and I'm going to add a few other notes here. 218 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:38.040 --> 01:05:38.600 Just checking here. 219 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:49.080 --> 01:05:51.440 So I'm just adding a little bit of a note about the content. 220 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:52.800 --> 01:05:55.360 And I do see that I have an error that I'm getting to fix here. 221 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:57.320 --> 01:06:01.640 So note that I didn't add those spaces this time for the indicator, so I need to go ahead and do that. 222 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:07.480 --> 01:06:25.840 And then I want to add one more. I'm gonna add a six fifty five to my text string, and this case I do have a second indicator of seven, so I'm my first indicator is blank, so that's a space, and then a seven, and then this is what I was saying a few minutes ago. I'm not going to put a space after that seven. I'm just going to start text. 223 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:26.080 --> 01:06:28.560 Adding in my text for my field. 224 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:34.520 --> 01:06:36.920 Alright, and then I'm gonna go ahead and click ok to save this. 225 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:38.880 --> 01:06:40.360 And then I'm going to close this. 226 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:45.440 --> 01:06:50.680 Alright, and I'm gonna go ahead and demonstrate applying this. So I'm gonna open up a bit layer graphic record. 227 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:04.720 --> 01:07:05.680 It's a little slow today. 228 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:10.880 --> 01:07:11.120 Huh. 229 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:13.720 --> 01:07:17.440 Sorry about that. I'm that's not typical for connection to have this type of slowness. 230 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:20.800 --> 01:07:25.200 Oh, that's not good. Unable to, ok, let's try one more time. 231 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:28.720 --> 01:07:33.840 I maybe having a little bit of an internet situation where I'm at, which is not good. 232 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:38.720 --> 01:07:39.680 Okay, there we go. 233 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:41.560 --> 01:07:41.800 Alright. 234 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:45.560 --> 01:07:48.960 So I want to go ahead and apply that text string to. 235 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:52.400 --> 01:07:56.840 Record here for a wrinkle in time. So I'm going to add a field. 236 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:58.280 --> 01:08:18.640 And remember the text string is added at the position of your cursor. So in the case is for my touch string, I do in fact have field indicators in my text string, so this time I'm going to leave my cursor here at the field, and then I'm going to go to my text string box or again, you can use text string. 237 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:19.359 --> 01:08:21.400 And open up your manager here. 238 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:23.640 --> 01:08:36.720 I'm gonna go close that cause I want to show the other way, so then I can use the dropdown here and I can just click on play away. And once I do that, then my items are added to that record, that text, and note how the spaces. 239 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:38.480 --> 01:08:41.080 Made sure that the indicator was blank and in that last one. 240 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:43.040 --> 01:09:02.240 Because I wanted the play away to start right that text to be right there in the box, I didn't have that blank, that space after the seven and it did enter it properly. So here then you could reformat, validate, export, whatever else you need to do to your record, make any additional edits to your record to process it. 241 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:05.359 --> 01:09:20.279 And also I'm gonna go ahead and click on reformat, so you can see how that will reorder the record. It does happen very quickly, but I'm gonna go ahead and click on that reformat button and see how my record, my fields were moved into the correct position in the record. 242 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:22.680 --> 01:09:27.120 All right. I'm gonna go ahead and close out of this. I don't need to save that. 243 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:31.080 --> 01:09:51.400 And real quick, you can also then remove or delete your text strings later on if you don't need those. So I can open up that text string manager, and to delete I would just highlight and then click on delete to delete that there and then I get the option that asking me if I want to delete. I'm gonna say no for now. I'm gonna go ahead and click. 244 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:51.600 --> 01:09:51.920 Close there. 245 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:55.040 --> 01:10:13.640 Now remember that you can also use text strings for commonly used field data or texts that will be applied throughout the record. So for example, my library often needs to add sub fields to subject headings. So creating a text string will allow us to add these in fewer clicks. So I'm going to go ahead. 246 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:13.840 --> 01:10:25.840 And create a text string, and we're going to go ahead and use my dropdown choose manage to open up that text string box. Again, I'm clicking add. I'm gonna call this one C bus for Columbus. 247 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:28.320 --> 01:10:46.560 And then I often need to add the sub field Z of Ohio and subfield Z Columbus to many of my records, so I'm just gonna create that here. Note that i'm using the control D to create that sub field indicator, and then I'm making sure to add spaces where necessary. 248 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:49.160 --> 01:10:55.920 And then I'm just going to go ahead and click OK, and I have that option there, going to go ahead and close. 249 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:00.840 --> 01:11:20.280 Alright, so another use case for that would be to create a text string for text that is perhaps added in multiple places in my record such as maybe I could create a text string for Columbus comma, Ohio, to be able to add into like a two forty, two forty five, two sixty four or even subject fields later on too. 250 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:21.240 --> 01:11:29.400 So good use for that text string. So I'm going to go ahead and open up a record and demonstrate for you how to apply that. 251 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:41.040 --> 01:12:01.160 Alright, so again it's going to add it at the point of my cursor. So the first thing I need to do is I want to add a six fifty field because I don't have one here. So I'm gonna just hit enter after the five forty six to add a field, add my six fifty second indicator seven first indicator blank, and then I need to add my. 252 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:01.400 --> 01:12:03.000 Subject heading of rural education. 253 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:05.320 --> 01:12:24.800 But instead of typing out my sub field Z's, I want to use my text string. So I'm gonna go ahead and use that dropdown from my menu bar, and I can just choose the C bus text string. And before I do that I just want to point out again my cursor is I've added a space and then added my cursor. So watch what happens. 254 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:25.200 --> 01:12:34.240 Where that C bus is gonna add. So it adds right there where my cursor was, the sub field Z ohio, subfield Z Columbus was added for me. 255 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:35.960 --> 01:12:44.800 And then I can go ahead and save that record or export or add my holdings etcetera. I'm going to go ahead and close it for this demonstration. 256 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:52.920 --> 01:13:00.920 So that is text strings in a nutshell, later in the session I'll talk about how you can add your text strings to. 257 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:02.160 --> 01:13:15.120 User tools in order to create a shortcut or a and or a button to be able to, add that just like with a toolbar button. But that's gonna be in a little while. 258 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:17.160 --> 01:13:37.240 Because now we're gonna talk about macros. So we've discussed the constant data and text strings are good options for adding text or fields to records. However, what if you need to follow repetitive or multi step actions such as adding holdings and then exporting? Using a macro can allow you to complete. 259 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:38.160 --> 01:13:57.720 These actions in fewer steps thus speeding up cataloging time. OCLC includes some macros with connection client software, some add fields, and prompt, some of those add fields and prompt you to input data. Macros created by others can be added to connection client. Furthermore. 260 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:57.880 --> 01:14:15.120 You can create your own macros by either recording your steps or using OCLC macro language. We will recover record, we will cover recording a macro. You'll refer to the learner guide for details on macros created by others and using the OCLC macro language. 261 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:17.200 --> 01:14:19.200 So let's take a look at macros and connection. 262 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:28.640 --> 01:14:43.400 So macros can be applied on a displayed record when working online or offline, so it's important to keep that in mind. I'm going to go ahead and go to tools macros, and manage to open up the macro manager here. 263 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:45.320 --> 01:14:49.520 Bear with me it opened up on my other screen so I need to get that over here. There we go. 264 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:51.120 --> 01:15:11.080 So first thing I want to point out is that for libraries using the O nine two locally assigned GUI call number field, connection client also contains a couple of macros that allow you to build a four figure or sandborn cutter. You see those here under the JUI macro book. These are automatically come with your connection. 265 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:11.480 --> 01:15:12.600 Download. 266 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:14.760 --> 01:15:35.080 The cutter number is based on the name of the creator or the title. It contains one or two of the initial letters and an alphanumeric code used for classification depending on which of these you're choosing. To, so to see that, you click on that doy box too, and then we can click on four figure, and there we would, you would be able. 267 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:36.200 --> 01:15:40.280 Run that macro on your record, which will demonstrate running a macro shortly. 268 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:42.400 --> 01:16:01.800 Also, as I mentioned, there are a lot of OCLC supplied macros, and most of these, if not all of them do have a description that explains what these each do. So looking at the first one, the add and edit zero zero seven, it gives you a little description of what will happen with that macro. And like if we look at the generate. 269 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:02.160 --> 01:16:06.760 Oh three four, again, we'll see a description there helping us to understand what these macros will do. 270 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:08.480 --> 01:16:28.680 So I'm gonna go ahead and cancel this. So let's assume that our catalogger is working with similar audio visual materials, and instead of typing out the values for each of the OO seven fields, they choose to use the add and edit OO seven macro, which request a response to a prompt and then automatically completes the field. So let's take a look at that. 271 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:29.560 --> 01:16:31.640 So I'm going to pull up a Mac an OCLC record. 272 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:43.800 --> 01:16:47.280 And then I'm going to go to tools, macros, manage. 273 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:48.840 --> 01:17:00.440 And again, I need to pull that over here, and I'm gonna choose I'm gonna click on the OCLC macro book to open that. I'm gonna click on add and edit OO seven, and then I want to click run. 274 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:02.920 --> 01:17:07.400 And when I click run, I'm then prompted to fill in a few options here. 275 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:10.560 --> 01:17:12.240 And then I'm gonna get another prompt. 276 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:14.320 --> 01:17:26.240 And I'm just gonna say regular print for this one, click ok and then you see a little bit of a flash there, the macro runs and adds the O oh seven with the data that I added to my prompts. 277 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:29.720 --> 01:17:34.720 Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and close out of that. That's just a quick how to run an existing OCLC macro. 278 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:36.160 --> 01:17:55.960 And there is more information on this in your learner guide if you want to follow that. But at this point now we're gonna talk about create recording our own macro. So my library adds holdings and exports records loc located in connection. I want to perform these steps with less clicks, so I'm going to create a macro by recording a new one. 279 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:56.920 --> 01:17:59.320 So to start, I'm going to open up a bidley graphic record. 280 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:08.720 --> 01:18:10.640 Right, oops, I must have done something wrong there. 281 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:14.080 --> 01:18:16.880 Yep, I see what I did. I typed incorrectly here. 282 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:19.000 --> 01:18:19.360 There we go. 283 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:23.440 --> 01:18:31.120 Okay, so to begin the process of, of creating my own macro, I'm going to go to tools, macros manage. Again. 284 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:33.800 --> 01:18:54.000 Now, because this is the first time I'm creating a macro, I need to create my own macro book, doing this will help me easily identify the locate my macros and preserve them in case of an upgrade or an install down the road. So I'm going to click on new macro or new book, sorry. And I'm just gonna call this. 285 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:54.240 --> 01:18:54.440 Demo. 286 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:56.320 --> 01:18:58.200 So I just type right in there, call it demo. 287 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:01.560 --> 01:19:14.920 And now I'm going to click record so that I can re begin the process of recording a new macro. I have to give my macro a name I'm gonna call it hold export because that's what it's doing. And then I can put a little defi description here. 288 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:16.720 --> 01:19:18.320 That it's gonna update holdings. 289 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:20.000 --> 01:19:21.440 And export. 290 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:23.200 --> 01:19:23.800 Click ok. 291 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:25.680 --> 01:19:45.520 And you'll note that I get the little, a little pause play, and stop option up here in the corner. So right now connection is ready to record my macro, so all I need to do is follow the steps that I want my macro to follow. So on my toolbar, I am going to click on the. 292 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:46.000 --> 01:19:47.040 Update holdings button. 293 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:49.960 --> 01:19:51.240 Which is this button here. 294 Crystal Rodriguez 01:19:53.760 --> 01:20:12.640 And it's gonna take a moment but my you'll see that my added, my holdings were added, and now my next step is to export this record, so I'm going to go ahead and click on export. I see connections working. If I look down at the bottom I can see that I update holdings is complete and my export's ready. In my case it's ready because I haven't added. 295 Crystal Rodriguez 01:20:13.560 --> 01:20:22.360 A folder yet, but that does not affect my macro. So now that I've completed the two steps that I want my macro to complete, I'm going to go ahead and click on that stop. 296 Crystal Rodriguez 01:20:23.840 --> 01:20:26.960 And then my macro is added and we'll see that in a moment. 297 Crystal Rodriguez 01:20:28.920 --> 01:20:32.520 So I'm gonna close this record, open up a different record. 298 Crystal Rodriguez 01:20:42.440 --> 01:20:42.680 Alright. 299 Crystal Rodriguez 01:20:44.320 --> 01:20:57.000 And I want to start by noting that this record right now shows no holdings in my library. So I want to go ahead and run my macro. So for that, I'm going to go to tools macros manage. 300 Crystal Rodriguez 01:20:58.440 --> 01:21:12.960 And then I will see my macro in my macro book, so I see my mac, my new macro book of demo, and then I see my hold export, so I'll click on hold export, and then I'll click run. This happens very quickly, so hopefully you'll see that on the screen here. 301 Crystal Rodriguez 01:21:14.680 --> 01:21:24.400 So we see that my record now shows held by my library and it shows as ready to export once I add the export this destination. 302 Crystal Rodriguez 01:21:27.200 --> 01:21:31.480 Which is discussed in a previous class, that's just not added because of the this being a demo. 303 Crystal Rodriguez 01:21:33.080 --> 01:21:48.640 Alright, and then as I mentioned with the text strings later in the session, I will review how you can create keystroke shortcuts for your macros, so that you don't have to go to tools manage every time. I'm gonna go ahead and close out of that. 304 Crystal Rodriguez 01:21:50.880 --> 01:22:10.480 And then I actually have a couple of questions for you guys before we move on to the next section. So I'm gonna put the first question up on the board and then I'm going to start a poll for you. So you should be seeing the poll. Let me know in this chat if you're not. So which is true about constant data? It can be. 305 Crystal Rodriguez 01:22:10.640 --> 01:22:20.880 Applied to fixed or variable fields. It can be applied to a group of records, applies to displayed record or a list of saved records or all of the above. 306 Crystal Rodriguez 01:22:35.640 --> 01:22:36.680 Wait another moment or two here. 307 Crystal Rodriguez 01:22:56.480 --> 01:23:16.320 Alright, it looks like just about everybody had a chance to answer that. So the answer is all of the above. So constant data is, can be applied to fixed or variable fields. It can be applied to a group of records, that's done if you're doing, if you're using local Consta data and a local file, and it can be applied to a displayed record or a list of saved records. Same. 308 Crystal Rodriguez 01:23:16.640 --> 01:23:27.120 If you have added, if you're using offline processes, you've added your constant data to a local file, then you can apply it to that list of saved records. 309 Crystal Rodriguez 01:23:29.560 --> 01:23:31.600 Alright, I'm gonna next question for you. 310 Crystal Rodriguez 01:23:33.360 --> 01:23:41.280 True or false text strings can only be used for variable fields. You should be seeing. 311 Crystal Rodriguez 01:23:42.920 --> 01:23:44.960 I think you should, yeah, you should be seeing that poll now. 312 Crystal Rodriguez 01:24:05.200 --> 01:24:09.360 So the text strings is the where we did the demonstration with play away and the C bus. 313 Crystal Rodriguez 01:24:11.080 --> 01:24:13.160 Just in case, I know it was a little bit ago. 314 Crystal Rodriguez 01:24:27.720 --> 01:24:30.440 Okay, looks like just about everyone's answered that one. 315 Crystal Rodriguez 01:24:33.480 --> 01:24:50.320 Actually that is true. So text strings can only be used in the variable fields of your record. So you cannot create text strings that would apply to fixed fields. That's where you would want to use constant data. Okay. 316 Crystal Rodriguez 01:24:51.920 --> 01:24:56.120 And I think I have one more question for you guys. Yep. And then we're gonna go ahead and launch that. 317 Crystal Rodriguez 01:24:58.440 --> 01:25:06.120 Which options can you use to automate repetitive multi step actions such as a string of commands? 318 Crystal Rodriguez 01:25:11.280 --> 01:25:15.200 Is it user tools, macros, key maps or toolbar editor? 319 Crystal Rodriguez 01:25:42.800 --> 01:25:45.360 Alright, looks like we are just about done with that one. 320 Crystal Rodriguez 01:25:47.160 --> 01:26:07.160 So yes, the answer to that is macros. So strings of commands such as like hold and export or maybe hold and save, you know, add holdings and save to a local file, any of those types of commands that you want to be able to string together that an automate that. 321 Crystal Rodriguez 01:26:07.480 --> 01:26:13.240 Is a good use for macros. Okay, well thank you all for participating in that. I hope that was helpful. 322 Crystal Rodriguez 01:26:15.360 --> 01:26:21.400 And for an additional knowledge check, there, there are some questions at the end of the learner guide that you can review after this session too. 323 Crystal Rodriguez 01:26:25.760 --> 01:26:30.480 Then we're gonna move on now to talk about customization tools that are available. 324 Crystal Rodriguez 01:26:32.520 --> 01:26:52.840 So in addition to automation tools, connection client offers a few customization tools. These allow you to sign to assign user tools, edit your toolbar, and customize keystrokes. All of these will help you catalog using fewer clicks and allow for more cataloging efficiency. Deciding which to use depends on. 325 Crystal Rodriguez 01:26:53.040 --> 01:27:13.160 Whether you prefer to use quick access options, toolbar buttons, keystrokes or a combination of these. So user tools can be assigned for easy access to commands such as macros, menu items, and text strings. Use the toolbar editor to show the tools and menu commands that. 326 Crystal Rodriguez 01:27:13.560 --> 01:27:21.160 Best work for your workflows. Use key maps to view, create, edit, and restore keystroke shortcuts. 327 Crystal Rodriguez 01:27:25.000 --> 01:27:27.880 So we're gonna take a look at user tools in connection. 328 Crystal Rodriguez 01:27:29.600 --> 01:27:30.960 Let me go ahead and bring my connection up. 329 Crystal Rodriguez 01:27:33.520 --> 01:27:52.680 Okay, so user tools allow you to assign a character, a macro, a menu item or a text string for quick access option. They are then accessed through the menu bar or you can add a button to the toolbar. Up to ten user tools can be assigned, and I'm going to demonstrate adding my new macro. 330 Crystal Rodriguez 01:27:53.040 --> 01:27:58.160 And a text string to a user tool so that I can access those with fewer clicks. 331 Crystal Rodriguez 01:28:00.440 --> 01:28:20.440 Now, I already have the user tools button on my toolbar, but you may not yet. So you can also just like with the text strings, you can go to tools and then choose user tools, and right now I have ten available. None of those are assigned, so I can go ahead and just. 332 Crystal Rodriguez 01:28:20.720 --> 01:28:40.920 Click assign and as I mentioned, I have the option to assign this to multiple display commands. So first I'm going to assign it to my existing, my new macro, so I want to choose macro here, and when I do that I see the list of available macros for me. These are the OCLC generated ones, and here are the very first one. 333 Crystal Rodriguez 01:28:41.240 --> 01:28:55.880 Is the one that I created. So it's highlighted if it weren't, I would just click on it to highlight it. And then I go over to where it says select new user tool, and I can choose which tool I want this added to. I'm gonna add it to tool number one. 334 Crystal Rodriguez 01:28:57.720 --> 01:29:15.080 And I'm just gonna go ahead and click assign tool. And when I do that, I now see current user tool for this item is tool number one, and it gives me that description. If I wanted to unassign it, I would just keep that highlighted and clicked unassign, but I'm gonna leave that there. Going to go ahead and. 335 Crystal Rodriguez 01:29:17.000 --> 01:29:32.600 Then I want to add I want to assign my text string so I want to go ahead and click text to this time and I see my two text strings. So I'm going to assign my C bus to a text to a tool and I'm gonna say tool number two this time. 336 Crystal Rodriguez 01:29:34.400 --> 01:29:54.280 So I, I use the dropdown to change select new user tool to tool number two, click assign, and that assigns my user tool. And again, you can add menu items there as well, so let's say that you prefer to add a menu item for your export that your user tool number three, you can click and do the same process. 337 Crystal Rodriguez 01:29:56.200 --> 01:30:13.640 Or if there's certain characters that you find yourself using a lot, let's say you do a lot of cataloging in Spanish and you want to be able to add the up inverted question mark on a tool, user tool, you could do that. I'm just gonna go ahead and click close here so I can show you how that works then. 338 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:16.880 --> 01:30:17.080 Alright. 339 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:20.520 --> 01:30:22.600 So I'm going to go ahead and open up a record. 340 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:28.000 --> 01:30:29.200 And apply that there. 341 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:34.360 --> 01:30:34.560 Alright. 342 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:39.520 --> 01:30:40.000 It's just taking a minute. 343 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:45.960 --> 01:30:46.200 Alright. 344 Crystal Rodriguez 01:30:50.320 --> 01:31:08.480 Now to add that user tool because I have my box here I'm gonna just use the dropdown and I see my macro and I see my text there. I'm gonna go ahead and just click on macro and again we'll see that this record shows my holdings and is ready for export. So that happened pretty quickly there. 345 Crystal Rodriguez 01:31:11.480 --> 01:31:30.520 Alright, so that is the process of assigning user tools, and in a moment I'll show how you can add those single buttons to your toolbar as well. And then would be even less clicks. So, as you've probably noted, most menu items. 346 Crystal Rodriguez 01:31:30.640 --> 01:31:50.320 Have toolbar buttons available in connection client. However, not all of them display in the default toolbar. So you can edit the toolbar to meet your specific workflow such as adding toolbar buttons for your newly assigned user tool or macro. So to edit our toolbar, we're gonna go to tools. 347 Crystal Rodriguez 01:31:51.200 --> 01:31:52.720 And then we choose toolbar editor. 348 Crystal Rodriguez 01:31:55.160 --> 01:32:05.640 And we see all of the menu items that are available to us. You can scroll down or you can start to type. So I'm gonna start to type I'm just gonna put old there. 349 Crystal Rodriguez 01:32:07.920 --> 01:32:09.040 Actually it didn't come up for me. 350 Crystal Rodriguez 01:32:13.600 --> 01:32:15.320 I'm looking for my user tools. 351 Crystal Rodriguez 01:32:18.160 --> 01:32:37.160 Well, let's start with this separator actually. So, as you might notice in my connection, I have little separator lines here between certain sections. So if you want to add one of those, you would add the separator from your toolbar editor and you're just gonna highlight it and then drag it to wherever you want it. So i'm. 352 Crystal Rodriguez 01:32:37.360 --> 01:32:57.240 Put it after my export here, see that that just added a line there, and then you can just to return it, it's the same thing you just grab that and then drag it back down into the toolbar editor. So that's how you're gonna add or remove any of these items here. So I want, here's my user tools, so what I wanted to show you. 353 Crystal Rodriguez 01:32:57.840 --> 01:33:17.800 Is that I can add a button for my user tool one and two. So I just find that here in the editor. Again, I'm gonna click on it, drag it, I'm gonna put it at the next to this export here, and there's my one. So now I could just click on that one to add my macro. 354 Crystal Rodriguez 01:33:18.360 --> 01:33:21.080 To run my macro, and I can do the same with the two. 355 Crystal Rodriguez 01:33:22.800 --> 01:33:35.440 For that second user tool. And then I can just drag it back or I could click reset. I'm gonna go ahead and drag them back because I don't want to reset my other items. So there's closed. I'm closing that. 356 Crystal Rodriguez 01:33:38.040 --> 01:33:40.920 And then so the reset is gonna restore that back to your default. 357 Crystal Rodriguez 01:33:45.280 --> 01:34:05.520 And then let's say that you want to move one of these buttons that's already on your toolbar, so to do that, you would press and hold the alt key while you drag and drop that to a new location. So let's say that I want to move my reformat to the over here with my ALA. So I'm going to press. 358 Crystal Rodriguez 01:34:05.720 --> 01:34:17.960 And hold the alt key and drag that reformat over here. And then it moves it over. So that just allows you to move around your options to whichever way you prefer to have those. 359 Crystal Rodriguez 01:34:20.360 --> 01:34:23.760 Okay, so that is toolbar editor, and then. 360 Crystal Rodriguez 01:34:25.400 --> 01:34:45.560 Another option that many users prefer is to use keystroke shortcuts over clicking through commands. Connection client gives you the ability to customize these. You can assign a specific keystroke shortcut to a character, a macro, a menu item or a text string, allowing you to use these items with fewer clicks. So. 361 Crystal Rodriguez 01:34:45.960 --> 01:34:50.040 To get to that, we're gonna go to tools, and then key maps. 362 Crystal Rodriguez 01:34:52.360 --> 01:35:09.080 And we see the items that are already assigned the shortcuts that are already assigned by the default. So you can see those there by click, so if you're not sure what that keystroke is, and you need to find out, you can just click there and find that. If there's one that isn't assigned, you can assign one. 363 Crystal Rodriguez 01:35:10.960 --> 01:35:12.760 So let's say that I want to add. 364 Crystal Rodriguez 01:35:14.640 --> 01:35:15.320 Keystroke for. 365 Crystal Rodriguez 01:35:17.480 --> 01:35:19.680 My macro. So I want to choose macro. 366 Crystal Rodriguez 01:35:21.360 --> 01:35:41.360 Find my macro under demo hold export. Currently there's no keystroke, so I'm just gonna click in press new shortcut key, and I'm gonna say, let's say I want this to be control G So I just click control G and it pops up and it's gonna let me know that it's not already assigned to something so that's good. It means I can use it. 367 Crystal Rodriguez 01:35:42.240 --> 01:35:54.320 So I'm gonna go ahead then and click assign, and now if I came back into connection, I could just click control G to add that or to run that macro. 368 Crystal Rodriguez 01:35:58.480 --> 01:36:14.480 And then I can just highlight that and click or highlight the current shortcut key and click on unassigned to remove that. I get a question saying, yeah, I need to say yes, I that's what I wanna do. All right. Now. 369 Crystal Rodriguez 01:36:16.120 --> 01:36:20.840 Once you have assigned some shortcuts actually let me go ahead and assign that again so I can show you this. 370 Crystal Rodriguez 01:36:23.200 --> 01:36:42.960 Alright, then you can click on list all, but list all is just going to show your user defined shortcut keys. So if you're not sure what shortcut keys you assign and you need to figure that out, you can come here to the key maps, click on list all, and you'll see those. And as you see here, you can print your. 371 Crystal Rodriguez 01:36:44.400 --> 01:36:46.840 Or you can just view that. I'm gonna go ahead and click close. 372 Crystal Rodriguez 01:36:48.800 --> 01:36:50.640 I want to unassign that again. 373 Crystal Rodriguez 01:36:53.360 --> 01:37:12.200 Now to see a list of all of the assigned keystrokes within client, both the ones that are part of the software and the ones that you've created and assigned, you're gonna we're gonna close out of this key maps because to see that we need to go to the view menu, and then we're gonna choose assigned keys, and then. 374 Crystal Rodriguez 01:37:13.200 --> 01:37:33.280 We can change here from the select key map file right now. That's the custom, but we can oh sorry my apologies, it's that's just the only one available. It's custom. So here you can scroll through or you can print or copy to a clean keyboard so you can see what all of those options are. So, for example, you can see that if you want to add an. 375 Crystal Rodriguez 01:37:33.960 --> 01:37:35.400 It's just control alt H. 376 Crystal Rodriguez 01:37:39.040 --> 01:37:45.680 And you can start to click through or I'm sure you try this real quick. 377 Crystal Rodriguez 01:37:47.720 --> 01:38:07.800 Yeah, I was trying to see if I could try to start to type something but no unfortunately it's just a scroll through. But you can see the different options here. I do think you can, Yeah, you can sort the definition, so that put my text playway closer at the top, you can sort the source as well. So that's a way to work. 378 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:08.080 --> 01:38:08.960 Through this if you need to. 379 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:10.680 --> 01:38:12.120 Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and close that. 380 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:15.960 --> 01:38:16.240 Alright. 381 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:23.480 --> 01:38:31.120 So that was a quick view of those customization tools. So to recap connection client offers several options for customization and optimization. 382 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:32.520 --> 01:38:45.840 Use of these tools is dependent on your workflow preferences. However, using them can increase efficiency and minimize errors. So I don't see any questions, but I am gonna pause to allow time for that. 383 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:48.040 --> 01:38:56.200 In the meantime, after today's session, if you do have any additional questions, you can reach our support team at help dot OCLC dot org. 384 Crystal Rodriguez 01:38:58.080 --> 01:39:11.240 And you can click on contact OCLC support to contact support in your region. How did you get to the assigned key window? Let me bring that back up. I apologize that that was a little fast. That is view. 385 Crystal Rodriguez 01:39:12.800 --> 01:39:15.040 And then assigned keys. 386 Crystal Rodriguez 01:39:17.960 --> 01:39:22.320 So that's, that's under the view menu instead of the other menus we had been working with. 387 Crystal Rodriguez 01:39:24.440 --> 01:39:25.200 Thank you for that question. 388 Crystal Rodriguez 01:39:30.280 --> 01:39:34.360 Alright, just waiting to see if there's any others, feel free to add anything. We do still have a little time. 389 Crystal Rodriguez 01:39:40.880 --> 01:40:01.120 And I'm just leaving up our support information here in case you have any questions that come up. Again, I just want to reiterate that that learner guide has a lot of links to our help documentation and it does review all of the things that we've talked about today, and it is a living document, it's a website that's gonna be updated regularly. 390 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:02.640 --> 01:40:04.440 It's a good tool for you to keep handy. 391 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:06.120 --> 01:40:07.240 To go with this class. 392 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:10.040 --> 01:40:29.280 Alright, please feel free to add any questions if you have them, but in the meantime I'll take this moment to say thank you for your time and attendance today. At the end of the session, you will receive a le you'll be taken to a link for an evaluation. We would really appreciate your feedback. Just helps us to know that we're getting you the information. 393 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:29.840 --> 01:40:34.520 That you need, helps us to improve these sessions going forward as needed. 394 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:36.440 --> 01:40:40.080 And if there's any questions that might arise, you can always add those within there as well. 395 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:47.000 --> 01:40:50.080 And I hope that this was useful for you. I know that. 396 Crystal Rodriguez 01:40:51.960 --> 01:41:00.480 These tools always helped me a lot when I was a catalog we're here at OCLC. So this is one of my favorite classes because I find these tools to be very helpful. 397 Crystal Rodriguez 01:41:05.600 --> 01:41:05.840 Alright. 398 Crystal Rodriguez 01:41:13.720 --> 01:41:26.480 And I'm not seeing any additional questions coming in, so I will hang out for a little while, just for a few more minutes, I think we may just end a little bit early and I'll give you guys a chance to fill out that evaluation before the class time's over. 399 Crystal Rodriguez 01:41:29.280 --> 01:41:39.560 That's, and so just again, thank you all very much and I will hang out for about a minute or two just to make sure there's no lingering questions. I am gonna go ahead and stop the recording though.